Toronto’s ‘Through the Garden Gate’ Celebrates 30 Years!

There will be some beautiful gardens for Torontonians to visit when the Toronto Botanical Garden rolls out the welcome mat for its 30th annual Through the Garden Gate garden tour. It’s being held on the weekend of Saturday June 10 and Sunday June 11th in the neighbourhoods of North Rosedale and Moore Park.  In celebration of the 30 years, organizers have selected 30 diverse gardens. Some are lovely formal jewels like this Moore Park garden.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Formal Garden

Some back onto wooded ravines.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Ravine garden

There’s one of the prettiest green roofs I’ve seen – and on a nice angle to allow visitors a good view.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Green Roof

And beautiful ideas for furnishing a leafy city sanctuary, like this….

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017- Furnishings (2)

…. and this.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017- Furnishings(1)

And wonderful plant design, of course, like this exquisite pairing of sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) and Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum)….

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Painted fern & Sweet woodruff

…and this. Don’t you love Japanese forest grass? This is Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ and ‘All Gold’.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Hakonechloa macra

If the weather stays cool, there will still be lush June irises and peonies.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Tree peony

There will be water features, of course, including handsome formal pools….

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Raised pool

…tiered fountains…

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Water Fountain

….and tiny, secret oases under lush textural foliage.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Small water feature (2)

You’ll be able to get some creative ideas for accessories….

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Iron Art

…. and art…

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Art

….and arbours and obelisks.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Obelisk & Arch

….and gates and path materials.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-door & path

And there will be loads of pots and planters, including some with herbs….

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Herb planter

…. and others with tropical climbing vines like mandevilla.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Mandevilla vine

You’ll see what clever gardeners have done to turn little sheds into outdoor cocktail bars…

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Garden Shed Bar

…. and see how easy it is to bring home-cooked pizza to your own back garden!

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-Wood oven

This year, the TBG has arranged for Toronto’s Augie’s Ice Pops to have two stands on the route so you can buy their frosty organic treats, in flavours like strawberry-basil, grapefruit-ginger – or whatever is farm-fresh and seasonal on the second weekend in June!

Augies Ice Pops-Toronto-Through the Garden Gate Tour

Through the Garden Gate is your opportunity to support the Toronto Botanical Garden and its work, while enjoying a rare opportunity to explore some of the city’s finest private gardens.

Toronto Botanical Garden-Through the Garden Gate-2017-promo

Tickets may be purchased through the TBG’s website here. Prices are as follows, and note that it will be difficult to see all 30 gardens in one day, so a two-day pass is your best bet – and allows flexibility for weather (since single-day wristbands are expressly for Saturday or Sunday and cannot be interchanged).

One-Day Pass: Public $45 / TBG Members $40
Two-Day Pass: Public $65 / TBG Members $60
Students $25 (With ID, One-Day Pass Only)
Tax included. Tickets are limited, advance purchase recommended.

And if you’re not a member of the TBG already, what are you waiting for? Become a member and get that discount on your ticket price, plus all kinds of lovely extras:  a magazine, lots of courses, lectures, a wonderful library – and inclusion in a jewel of a garden that’s about to expand and become one of the most exciting greenspaces in Toronto. If you haven’t been, be sure to have a look at my own seasonal photo galleries on the TBG’s website.

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