A Night Sky Photography Lesson

I received a Christmas present from my three wonderful sons this week, something unexpected and so much fun!  It actually came in an envelope under the tree on Christmas morning, but it materialized in the form of a lovely 3 hours, some of it in total darkness, at the Torrance Barrens Dark Sky Preserve last weekend.   It was a private lesson in night sky photography with Wesley Liikane, aka Cowboy With a Camera. I’ve been following his work for several years, but the boys didn’t know that when they arranged the gift. And since I was at the cottage with my daughter and her young family and the Torrance Barrens is just 12 kilometres from the marina where we dock our boat, I invited Wes to come for dinner first. He accepted and after impressing my grandkids with his phone photos of wild animals, joined us on the screened porch for Saturday night dinner.

Then it was into the boat to the marina and Wes and I drove our cars separately to the Torrance Barrens. My friends know that I’ve been photographing at the Barrens for more than fifteen years in all seasons.  I even wandered into the edge of the 1905-hectare (4707-acre) reserve to photograph the full moon there one summer, batting away mosquitoes as I focused through the oaks.  There was not another soul there that night and it was a little scary to be alone. But on this evening in early August 2018, Wes and I were shocked by the number of people clogging the granite parking lot and parked along both sides of winding Southwood Road.  Admittedly, it was a holiday weekend and the sky was relatively clear with no moon, making it perfect for sky photography. But it was shocking to see all the people wandering through with coolers and supplies, to see all the tents set up (it’s crown land) and smell the smoke from campfires (in a week when fires had been banned for extreme dryness) and hear the sounds of voices, many of them from far-off lands, bouncing off the granite bedrock. Wes led the way along the familiar trail.

A sign at the entrance had announced that the bridge across the wetland was closed….

….but it wasn’t really closed – just in the same state of disrepair it had been the previous October…..

….. when my friends and I had hiked there on our annual hiking weekend, below.   For me (and for Wes, who manages the Torrance Barrens’ Facebook page), it’s a sad state of affairs when the trail maintenance is so shoddy in one of Ontario’s crown jewels.

But as always, it was lovely to stop for a moment and explore the flora in the marsh pond, including this sedge with water willow (Decodon verticillatus) and fragrant water lilies (Nymphaea odorata).

Wes set us up on bedrock in a flat area of the slope near the wetland. From here, we’d have a good view of the Milky Way, provided the night sky stayed clear.  In his lesson, he talked about the importance of hard ground as a base for your tripod for the long exposures needed for night photography.  Because my tripod adaptor was in Toronto, Wes loaned me his. He also brought along his portable SkyWatcher telescope, which can be adapted for star photography.

My camera (the Rebel 7Ti, which I bought for its 24.2 megapixel resolution and light weight, since I usually carry two cameras fitted with lenses for different purposes ) is less than ideal with its zoom 18-135mm lens, but that’s okay. It’s a DSLR, it’s the camera I’ve got – and we worked with it.

Wes, naturally, has a camera suited for night sky photography, the Sony A7S.

And his prime lens is a favourite of serious night sky aficionados, the Rokinon 1.5-35mm.  He eyed my UV lens filter and said it wasn’t usually recommended to photograph with that filter, but we left it on.

As the sky began to darken, we prepared my camera. My eyes tried not to glaze over and my non-math-brain worked very hard not to shut down as Wes explained the “500 Rule” for exposure with his smart phone calculator.  In a nutshell, it’s this:  500 divided by the focal length of your lens at its widest angle = the longest exposure in seconds before stars begin to ‘trail’.  Earth, as we know, is rotating on its axis at 1000 miles an hour while the night sky is filled with stars that are so far away, they seem fixed (but might be millions of light years away).  So in the course of seconds, the stars develop light trail blurs unless you time the exposure correctly. Wes’s full frame camera is 1:1 for focal length, while my Rebel has a 1.6 crop sensor factor. With my lens at its widest angle that means: 500/ (18×1.6) = 17.36 seconds.  (I think Wes was showing the calculation for a 35mm lens, below).  But we would experiment with exposure.

At 8:23 pm, the sky was developing a rosy glow in the west……

….. and I used my Samsung S8 to snap a sunset shot through the trees.

Wes explained the importance of letting your eyes adjust to darkness, and had me dim the LCD display on my camera as part of that adjustment.

Amazingly, people were still coming deep into the Barrens with flashlights and supplies. Above us nighthawks whirled and in the distance whippoorwills called.

Venus, the evening star, was now shining bright in the western sky and I used it to focus on “the smallest bright point”. As Wes explained, it’s important to use manual focus and turn the image stabilizer off.  Focusing on infinity doesn’t always work, so he taught me to zoom into Venus and focus on it in the middle of my view finder, moving the focusing ring until it is clear, which is when it’s at its smallest point of light.  Once focus is set, the stars and the Milky Way should be in focus, but it’s a good idea to recheck while shooting by zooming in to 100% to ensure there is no star trailing, since the slightest jar of the tripod could mess it up. Wes said that when he’s photographing the night sky with friends, they hang LED glow sticks from the base of their tripods to prevent an accidental jostling in the dark.

We set my camera for a preliminary 10-second exposure at 6400 ISO and continued to wait for full darkness.

As we waited, Wes gave me hints for understanding the best times for night sky photography. A moonless night is best, of course, and also the sky should have no cloud cover. (Tonight featured wispy, moving clouds and some smoke from the Parry Sound 33 forest fire an hour north of us, but the sky was clear for the most part.)   There’s a website you can visit (www.cleardarksky.com/csk/) to access the most precise forecast for night sky conditions. Wes explained it to me below.

He also talked about the Milky Way, which is our own constellation, a barred spiral galaxy and estimated to contain 10-100 billion planetary systems besides that of our own sun, which rests in the Orion Spur between the Perseus and Sagittarius Arms. (Click to enlarge the photo below, by NASA-Adler-U Chicago-Wesleyan-JPL-Caltech.)

Wes showed me the online location for determining the location of the Milky Way in the sky.

It still wasn’t completely dark so I asked Wes to scroll through some of his phone photos of many of his best images. The description “Cowboy with a Camera” is apt, since he started out on the rodeo circuit as a young man, hauling a trailer with his brother.  In those early years, he launched his next career by photographing friends on the circuit, like this young woman riding a bull.

But he’s known for his animal photography, especially in Algonquin Park, below. He now gives workshops there – one popular one features loons (his “loon-chick-on-mother’s back” percentage is 100%).

His sublime wolf shots have been used on commercial packaging.

A kayak sometimes forms his photo studio……

….. enabling good interactions with moose, like the one below in Algonquin.

But his great passion is the night sky, especially the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights, like this Muskoka lake scene…..

….. and this spectacular photo made at the Algonquin Radio Observatory in the park….

….. where he’s also made stunning images of the Milky Way.

Chasing the Milky Way has taken him across North America, including the Dark Mesa Park in Kenton, Oklahoma….

….. and the mountains of Yellowstone Park.

It was finally dark enough to make some photos, and Wes checked out the display in my camera using his headlamp.

At 10:15 pm, we began.  Ten seconds at 6400 ISO was still too dark (though there is much more information in this photo than it appears to contain, and it would be usable  with some post-processing in a pinch.)

We increased the exposure to 15 seconds at 6400. Now the night sky is brighter and the stars visible. But there are a few problems.

In the next exposure, below, you can see that Mars is almost into the frame, but not quite.  And the horizon is tilted upward. And the campfire across the wetland with all those German campers in front of us is distracting to me – even though Wes thought the warmth might be a good foreground feature.   But most serious of all are the tiny scratches on my lens or polarizing filter. (I only found those later when I looked at the images on my computer).

Fortunately, Wes decided to put his lens on my camera back, which meant no more scratches. Now we’ve got Mars in the frame. The Milky Way itself is somewhat obscured and there are bits of cloud in the image.  Wes showed me how to find the horizon with my camera (I’ve never been good with all the settings) so that….

…. now I had a straight horizon and Mars was in the frame and a section of the Milky Way was there, though partly obscured.  This is the last image I made, at 10:28 pm, and one that I would consider a good result for my first real effort at night sky photography.

Wes suggested we find a new location near the parking lot, so we packed up our gear and made our way back over the creaky bridge (I only tripped once) and down the path towards the entrance. Amazingly people were still arriving at 10:30. One young woman walking up the road with her partner stopped us to ask if this was Torrance Barrens, and how big was it and were there washrooms?  “One Johnny-on-the-spot,” answered Wes.  I told her there were trails throughout but it wasn’t a park and it would be rough going if they didn’t know their way. Her partner, camera around his neck, nodded and off they went.   We gazed around and were hard-pressed to find a spot without people coming and going. I checked the time and told Wes that since I had a drive back to the marina where my husband would be picking me up, it was probably time to say good night. Indeed, I felt I’d had a really good introduction to capturing the night sky. We hugged farewell and went our separate ways, threading through the cars parked on either side of Southwood Road.

When I got back to the cottage, I downloaded my photos.  My last image was the one I was most pleased with, and even though I wasn’t shooting RAW (highly recommended for night photography), I decided to see what I could do in post-processing with the editing programs I have on the cottage computer. With Photoshop on my city computer at home, what I had was what came with Windows 10, including Paint.  I decided that what I wanted to remember of the night sky in the Torrance Barrens were not the German campers with their bright light, so I wanted to crop them out. And I wanted to emphasize the stars and Mars gainst the dark sky above the tree canopy that I know so well.  So my first edit was the horizontal (landscape) aspect ratio crop, below, but I decided it had too much dark forest and too little sky.

The next edit was a vertical (portrait) crop and I liked this one better.  (Notice how much light pollution is in the eastern sky – ambient light from Gravenhurst and Orillia.)  But there were still some little pockets of light glimmering in the forest and my bare-bones editing programs didn’t let me erase or darken them, as Photoshop does.

My final edit solved that by cropping out the lower forest and concentrating instead on the sky.  This is a perfect square and is a frameable memory I will keep of my first attempt at night sky photography in a place I have come to love.  Thank you, Wes Liikane.

Hiking With Friends

I’m heading off the beaten path in this blog with a personal memoir, a little gift to good friends – but you can come along too, if you like. A few weeks ago, we hiked at a favourite location, the Torrance Barrens in the Lake Muskoka region. It’s a place I visit regularly and blog about, too – and indeed, it’s a spot my hiking gang has visited a few times before, using our cottage as lodging. What’s significant, for me, is that this year’s walk represented the 25th year my husband and I set aside a weekend in autumn to hike with the group. For it was October 1993 when we were invited “in” and posed, below, near the famous Bruce Trail in Beaver Valley, Ontario – a suitable christening for a pair of novice hikers (I’m in the hat, he’s in the yellow jacket) as we slogged through forest and field in cold, pouring rain.

1993-Beaver Valley-hikers

The Bruce Trail has been our favourite hiking venue, and we’ve slowly bitten off chunks of its 890 kilometre (553 mile) length,

Bruce Trail

… all the way from the spectacular Lion’s Head Provincial Park up on the Bruce Peninsula overlooking Georgian Bay way back in 1994….

1994-Lion's Head Provincial Park

….where we took turns posing on the rugged Amabel dolostone (limestone) cliffs high above the water – capstone that was the bottom of a shallow limestone sea some 420 million years ago…

1994-Lion's Head-limestone cliffs

…..and ate our picnic lunch, as was our custom, on the rocks overlooking the water……


…. to the Niagara Gorge at its south end, in 1995.

1995-The Niagara Gorge

In 1996, we ventured off the Bruce Trail and headed to Pelee Island for the weekend. Later, as Lake Erie waves crashed onto shore, we strolled the sand at Point Pelee, Canada’s most southerly point of land.

1996-Point Pelee-Hiking

1998 saw us head east to ‘the County’, i.e. Prince Edward County and Picton, Ontario – just emerging then as the choice destination it has become since then. There we found a particularly picturesque bed & breakfast called The Apple Basket Inn (sadly no longer there)….

1998-Apple Basket-Inn-Picton

…. and lovely scenery nearby, including actual apple baskets at Hughes’ Orchards!

1998-Hughes' Orchard-Picton

2004 was a special year, when we hiked the tropical hills of Mustique in the Caribbean, courtesy of John & Anne. This is the view of Britannia Bay.

2004-Mustique-Brittania Bay

In 2006, we were back on the Bruce Trail over the forks of the Credit River in Caledon….

2006-Caledon-Forks of the Credit River

…. where the group posed for my camera.

2006-Hiking Group-Forks of Credit

The year 2007 saw us beginning our Saturday hike under a rainbow in Collingwood…..


….before hiking the Bruce Trail in the Owen Sound area.  It rained that year, as we slogged our way through a carpet of sugar maple leaves in Sydenham Forest.

2007-Sydenham Forest-hikers-Bruce Trail

The glacial potholes in the Sydenham forest were so fascinating, created from the action of glacial melt-water roughly 12,000 years ago, their damp walls home to maidenhair and provincially rare hart’s tongue ferns.

2007-Glacial Pothole-Sydenham forest-Bruce Trail

The most spectacular sight was Inglis Falls, which was the site of an 1840s grist mill.

2007-Inglis Falls-Bruce Trail

Looking back at our picnic lunch in the rain that day, I recall that we were not going to let the rigors of the hike derail our South Beach diet!


In 2008, we again hosted the hikers at Lake Muskoka where I’d asked Orillia naturalist and mycologist Bob Bowles (navy cap) to give us a walking seminar on mushrooms.

2008-Mushroom Lessons-Lake-Muskoka-Bob Bowles

Though the forest floor on our peninsula was laden with maple and beech leaves by that point in October, we were able to key 29 species of mushrooms.

2008-Lake Muskoka-Page's Point-Beech Bracket Fungus

We also hiked the Torrance Barrens that year, where the blueberry bushes were bright red and the paper birch skeletons shimmering white.

2008-Torrance Barrens-beaver pond

We eased into our 2009 hiking weekend in Prince Edward County with a wine-tasting personally conducted by Norman Hardie at his renowned vineyard.

2009-Norman Hardie-Wine-tasting

We all enjoyed a sip — best be prepared ahead of a hiking trip!

2009-Wine-Tasting-Norman Hardie Wines

The next day, when we hiked the soaring dunes of Sandbanks Provincial Park….

2009-Sandbanks Provincial Park

….. where some found time to wade in the waters of Lake Ontario…..

2009-Sandbanks Provincial Park-hikers

… I did a little botanizing, and  was thrilled to see fringed gentians (Gentianopsis crinita) in flower.

2009-Gentianopsis crinita-Fringed gentian-Sandbanks

In 2010, we headed back to Niagara, but this time we walked about 10 kilometres (6 miles) of the Niagara River Parkway…..

2010-Niagara River Parkway

….where the view of the river was spectacular…..

2010-Niagara River

….before getting into our cars (ah, the magic of the pre-parked cars!) and driving to Ravine Vineyard for lunch.

2010-Niagara Ravine Vineyard

In 2012, we hiked near Susan’s beautiful farm…..


….. where we sat for a group photo (again, of most of us, but not quite all).


As with many of our hikes, we enjoyed brilliant fall colour – here of Susan’s gorgeous paper birch…..

2012-Paper Birch-Betula papyrifera-fall colour

In 2014, we bunked in at Anne and Bob’s in Collingwood, and headed out on the Kolapore trail, which Bob helps maintain.

2014-Kolapore sign

Though it sometimes feels like a dark cathedral of trees as we hike amidst thousands of slender trunks of sugar maple, beech and birch….

2014-Kolapore hiking

…. it’s good to look up occasionally, and see fall-coloured leaves fluttering against the autumn sky.


The trail that year was muddy in places – there was the odd little spill…..


The vegetation was wonderful: here are hart’s tongue ferns (Asplenium scolapendrium), quite rare in the region.

2014-harts-tongue ferns-Asplenium scolopendrium

Though non-native, it’s always a treat to see watercress (Nasturtium officinale) in a clean, moving stream.


In 2015, eight of us decided to pack our bags and head to a different kind of forest for our autumn hike: a rain forest. In Costa Rica!

2015-Beach Trail sign-El Remanso Lodge-Osa Peninsula-Costa Rica

And do you know how mother nature makes a rain forest? That’s right…….

Let’s just say our hiking attire was a little lighter than normal, given the almost total humidity and warm temperatures.

2015-Felix-Long Hike-El Remanso

Five of us did the zip-line through the jungle. I chickened out but served as the documentary photographer.


(I wrote  a special blog about El Remanso Lodge on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, if you want to read a little more.)

In 2016, we hiked the Mad River Side Trail near Glen Huron, Ontario. The colours were spectacular.


Here’s a video I made of that lovely hike along the Mad River.

When we arrived at the base of the Devil’s Glen Ski Club to have lunch, I made a group shot, (well, most of us and one guest – a few had wandered away) and just managed to get myself back into the frame before the shutter clicked.

2016-Hiking Group-Devils Glen

Heading back to our lodging, we stopped at an apple stand and stocked up on Northern Spy apples, my favourite for pies and crisps.

2016-Spy Apples-Glen Huron

Which brings me to this year, the 25th edition of our hike, when we once again met in Muskoka and walked the beautiful Torrance Barrens.  We marvelled at the fluffy white clouds reflected in Highland Pond….

2017-Highland-Pond-Clouds-Torrance Barrens

…and noted the tamaracks (Larix laricina) at the water’s edge.

2017-Pine-Sumac-Tamarack-Torrance Barrens

Bob pointed out aspects of geology, as in ‘this is gneiss, not pure granite’.


We walked past my favourite paper birch….

2017-Paper birch-Torrance Barrens

…..and saw the fluffy cotton grass (Eriophorum vaginatum) flanking the bog.


The little bridge over the small pond is sinking in the middle and necessitated a ‘one-at-a-time’ rule.


It’s always fun to stop and look at the erratic boulder left behind when the ice retreated, and it appears that Alex Tilley, founder of Tilley Hats, agreed. This little interpretive sign was paid for by Tilley, whom I’ve seen hiking the Barrens.

2017-Erratic-Precambrian Shield-Torrance Barrens

With so much rain this summer and autumn, many parts of the path were waterlogged and Bob (the veteran trail groomer) pointed out drier spots to navigate.

2017-Water on trail-Torrance Barrensl

We crossed Southwood Road and finished our hike in the deeper soil of a forest….

2017-Hikers-in-oaks-Torrance Barrens

….featuring bracken ferns and beautiful red oaks.

2017-Red Oak-Torrance Barrens

A tiny red-bellied snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) was on the path (it’s only my lens that makes it look huge) – one of many reptiles I’ve photographed in the Barrens over the years.

2017-Red-bellied snake-Torrance Barrens

And at the end of the trail, we posed for our traditional photo (minus four who couldn’t be with us this year).  Over a quarter-century, we’ve seen our children grow up, marry, change jobs, and have their own kids. We’ve talked about books, theatre, food, health and travel to faraway places. We’ve lost spouses or partners, and felt the comfort of the friends who knew them well. And we’ve welcomed new partners to the group and made them feel welcome and loved. It is a simple thing to do, walking a trail, and it reminds us that we need nature – and the company of friends – to live full lives.

2017-Hiking Group-Torrance Barrens


In memory of Murray, Tim and Jim.

The Torrance Barrens – My Sacred Place

I would like to take you on a midsummer hike with me.  We’re going to my sacred place — I hope that’s okay with you. Don’t worry: there are no pews or altars or holy water fonts.  But there is holy water, lots of it.  It seeps from underground springs and is cleansed by the roots of innumerable wetland plants, until it shimmers blue and crystal-clear under the sun. We’re at the Torrance Barrens Dark Sky Preserve about 12 kilometers (8 miles) from my cottage on Lake Muskoka in central Ontario. If you’re a red-tailed hawk flying overhead (or me in the little old yellow Cessna I hitched a ride in a few autumns back), this is what the ‘parking lot’ looks like from the air. It’s a magical expanse of ancient Precambrian Shield that comprises the bedrock or basement layer of the North American craton.

Aerial view-Torrance Barrens

Have a little read of the sign so I can skip the long explanation, okay?

Torrance Barrens - sign

Oh, and here’s the other sign. They tacked on a warning for the city folks, bottom left.  As usual, I forgot the bear bells today, but I’ve never seen one in here.  Just a very big pawprint in a mud puddle once…….

Torrance Barrens-bear country

I walk in along my normal route, always beginning near the pyramidal rock overlooking Highland Pond.  It’s on the flat granite south of the pond where, of a dark mid-August evening, you can see (or not see, rather, it’s so dark) hundreds of people lying back to watch the Perseid meteor showers.  I’ve come out on a few of those evenings (usually the anniversary of the great power blackout of August 2003), when the big telescopes and amateur and pro astronomers are trying to out-Hubble each other.

Rock & Sumacs at Torrance Barrens

As defined in its conservation plan, Torrance Barrens Conservation Reserve is “a large area of low relief, sparsely forested bedrock barrens interspersed with numerous lakes and wetlands.” Highland Pond, one of the largest bodies of water in the Barrens is a shallow, linear leftover of the glacial lakes that once overlay the granite here.  Between it and the rock on which I am standing are floating fens – though most people refer to them as bogs, of various sedge and fern meadows growing up through peat. Fens are defined as “peat-forming wetlands that receive nutrients from sources other than precipitation: usually from upslope sources through drainage from surrounding mineral soils and from groundwater movement. Fens differ from bogs because they are less acidic and have higher nutrient levels. They are therefore able to support a much more diverse plant and animal community.”  (EPA) Fens can be herbaceous or woody, and there is a mix in the Barrens.

Balsam firs & cotton grass-Highland Pond

The beavers have been active here recently, killing the tamaracks (Larix laricina) I used to photograph in all their golden glory in autumn.

Beaver damage

Circling around the south end of the bog at the pond edge, I see in the distance what I’m sure is a hawk, but it’s only a beaver-felled tree stump, its “feathers” are fungi.  It’s surrounded by typical fen and bog plants: leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata) being the most common, with Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica), upper left, growing in vast fern meadows.

Leatherleaf & Chain fern meadow

And there’s an abundance of our native fragrant water lily (Nymphaea odorata) in the standing water.

Nymphaea odorata - fragrant water lily

You can be in the Torrance Barrens for a fast 20-minute turnaround or follow a number of elliptical trails through the 4,707 acres.   Plan on three hours if you hike the Pine Ridge Loop (I accidentally took some out-of-town visitors on the long loop, and they really doubted me when I said I was sure we’d be back by evening.)  I’ve brought a picnic lunch with me today, so we can get a taste of the place in an hour or so.

Trail Map I try to make at least one trip to the Barrens each season, often coming with the family in autumn and winter as well.  The photo below was December 28, 2011 – a bitterly cold afternoon with a fierce west wind and my long afternoon shadow stretching towards the family as they walked very quickly to keep warm.

Hiking the barrens in winter We didn’t last long that day, but it was utterly spectacular after a fresh snowfall, and completely empty of people. Contrast that with the hordes of crazed shoppers searching out bargains in the shopping malls between Christmas and New Years.

Torrance Barrens in winter

Crossing the rocks now in August, I smell the familiar fragrance of sweet fern (Comptonia perigrina), which is a low shrub, not a fern.  I give the leaves a rub to release the aromatic oils.

Sweet fern-Comptonia peregrina

The path circles the pond under white pines and red oaks, typical of our part of Muskoka. All around the pond is the fen mat with its different sedges and special plants.  I’ve photographed various orchids and iris (I. versicolor) on these mats.

Torrance Barrens-fen in summer

It’s beautiful in autumn too.  This was November 17, 2012.

Torrance Barrens-fen in autumn

This is the point where I like to check the boggy edges of the fen for pitcher plants (Sarracenia purpurea).  I’m not disappointed, as just a few strides out is a lovely specimen waiting for its insect lunch.

Sarracenia purpurea

Bogs and fen mats are incredibly complex ecosystems with dozens of different species vying for space.  As such, they are extremely sensitive to being downtrodden by people, but I need to move in just a little to photograph the pitcher plant  So I take my flip-flops off and step as lightly as possible.  It’s an impossibly delicious sensation, the cool water of the sphagnum sponge soaking the sole of my foot.  As soon as I have my shot, I back out onto the granite. But I won’t forget the feeling.

Barefoot in the bog

Out on the hot rock, wild blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) grows in a bit of shade.  Naturally, I pluck the ripest berry.  It’s quite delicious, for a seedy little thing that I ignore when it grows by the weedy hundreds in filtered sunlight on my own sandy hillside.

Blackberry-Rubus allegheniensis

Dragonflies and damselflies are plentiful near the wetland. This is the common blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) resting on a fern.

Blue damselfly- Enallagma cyathigerum

Nearby is the big paper birch (Betula papyrifera) that I greet each time I visit.  I photographed it just after rosy dawn one autumn more than ten years ago and the canvas print (right) graces one of the walls of my cottage.  I would say this birch is living on borrowed time, given the beaver population in the Barrens.

Paper Birch

Whoops. This is the old path…… Water finds its own way in nature, always, and we’ve had lots of rain this year.  The reality is that wetlands are ever-shifting in terms of the ratio of water and terra firma.  Best to find another way, however…..

Path under water

After searching around a bit, I find the familiar white-painted trail markers on bedrock.  I know this part of the Barrens like the back of my hand, but there’s nothing scarier than running out of trail markers deep inside 4,707 acres.

Path marker

Sometimes, where’s there’s just a bit of water to negotiate, the path features a rustic little plank bridge.

Plank bridge

A few minutes later and I’ve arrived at my favourite place, a curving wood bridge over a small pond, nestled under the granite ridge that forms the high backbone of the Barrens.

Torrance Barrens-wetland pond This bridge always figures in our seasonal walks here (except winter, when the deep snow prevents us getting in this far).  But autumn is lovely, too.

November in the barrens2

It’s a good spot to sit down and have a little solitary picnic and listen to the bullfrogs…..

Bridge lounging-Torrance Barrens

…gaze at the water lilies and get a closeup view of some of the more unusual wetland plants, like the arching swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus), shown here with the fluffy flowers of cotton grass (Eriophorum virginicum).

Swamp Loosestrife-Decodon verticillatus

I’m thrilled to see a viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus) ovipositing on a willow shrub nearby.

Viceroy ovipositing on willow

And what’s this? Another native carnivorous plant: the spatulate-leaved sundew (Drosera intermedia) busy digesting another tasty fly meal.

Drosera intermedia - Torrance Barrens

But my time is running out, so it’s just a short climb up the granite ridge to get the high view before I go.  Throughout the Torrance Barrens, your feet tread on granite estimated to be 1.4 billion years old (from Nick Culshaw, Dalhousie University geology prof.and specialist in the Grenville Province geological region.)  Along the way is a lot of wonderfully kinetic hair grass (Deschampsia flexuosa).

Hair grass-Deschampsia flexuosa Here’s a little video I made in the Barrens to describe the sound and effect of this lovely native grass, which grows on the rocky hillside behind my own cottage – and in every nook and cranny in the area.

Time to go.  I head out to the parking lot and drive a bit down Southwood Road.  The road features a different type of flora than the plants inside the Barrens. It’s where you find the tall pink fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium), buzzing with bees.

Fireweed-Chamerion angustifolium

And the exotic weeds, pretty as they are, like the yellow evening primrose and the red clover mixed in with natives like goldenrod, fleabane and yarrow.  And the trucks, of course. And civilization. Southwood Road Wildflowers