La Casita Moradita de Tequila

There’s no question that the most unusual garden I’ve ever visited – and not just on my Austin tour this May– is the one belonging to the inimitable Lucinda Hutson.

Yes, that Lucinda Hutson. The Austinite who might be the world’s leading authority on tequila, pulque, mescal, margaritas – and of course VIVA!  Because Lucinda is certainly an expert on what Mexicans would call alegría de vivir or what the French could call joie de vivre. Meaning, of course, that life is a party and it’s meant to be lived joyously and in full colour. Preferably with tequila, the subject of her latest book, Viva Tequila, a truly fabulous read on one of the world’s favourite licores. 

The video below in Lucinda’s own voice gives an idea of the breadth of the book.

So let’s take our own tour of Lucinda’s wonderful garden and casita moradita (“little purple house”), where she has lived and gardened for 41 years.  Imagine a passionate-purple house from the 1940s with a funky cottage garden out front and a Mexican cantina out back.  Well, actually, you don’t have to imagine: here it is.  Taken together, her ‘Texicana’ house and garden pay homage not just to the colour purple, but to sandia (watermelon), papaya, mango and the brilliant colours of the Mexican barrio, yellow and turquoise.  And notice the hues that Lucinda is wearing match that arch perfectly! That’s colores style.

Her front garden palette, unsurprisingly, features lots of purples (Salvia guaranitica ‘Amistad’), as well as blues and pinks.

And the ‘Amistad’ sage, unsurprisingly, always features bees (and hummingbirds).

There are lots more heat-loving sages in the front garden. Here one is paired with the unusual blooms of bat-face cuphea (Cuphea llavea).

There are all kinds of chairs and benches in Lucinda’s gardens where you can sit and enjoy the view — and in this case, the delicious perfume of Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminioides).   Love this colour combination.

And this on the shawl below.

Every detail is thought out, including the broken Mexican crockery beneath the pelargonium.

The fish tile leads us down the side of the house into Lucinda’s Mermaid Grotto.

What a lovely spot for sitting and listening to the trickle of water in the pond.

There are lots of sirenas here, amidst seashells and mother-of-pearl! The succulents are arranged to look like plants at the bottom of the sea.

And, of course, fishy chairs in turquoise-and-orange……

…and seashore-themed coffee tables.

Just another mermaid, but this one fashioned from Haitian oil drums.

As we toured, Lucinda’s cat Sancho did his morning grooming under bougainvillea.

What lovely colour sense she has, created sometimes with small gestures that catch the eye.

“Our Lady of La Tina” (the bathtub goddess) has the job of protecting the garden.

Near the back of the house is the raised vegetable-herb garden. Lucinda grew up in El Paso, Texas in the desert, surrounded by cacti and gravel. She developed her love of herbs and old-fashioned, bright flowers during her travels in Mexico. Look at how simple…..

… like zinnias and marigolds — both Mexican natives — create a fiesta-like atmosphere.  Lucinda freely admits that her gardens are anything but low-maintenance. “This is a water-intensive garden that requires hours with the hoses in the summer, despite my drip system — so many pots and nooks and crannies.”  She credits the help of her “wonderful, like-minded gardener from Mexico who shares his culture and ideas with me, and we have so much fun!”

She learned how to cook with Mexican flair, using herbs fresh from her garden.  Those culinary delights were featured in her Herb Garden Cookbook, which was published in 1992. Her articles have also appeared in Food and Wine, Food Arts, Fine Gardening, Horticulture, The Herb Companion, Kitchen Garden, Organic Gardening and Southern Living. Isn’t that rustic bench lovely…..

….with its cushions of hermosas flores!

Mexican pottery is also displayed throughout the garden.

Swiss chard and baby sun rose (Aptenia cordifolia) in a cobalt-blue pot. What a nice combo!

Lucinda invited us to crush the allspice leaves, one of many tender plants she grows for her cookery. She moves this one into the greenhouse for winter.

Even the trash corner looks festive in her garden, with that purple clapboard and blown glass behind it.

Children’s folk-art chairs are arrayed on the wall, as is the custom in parts of Mexico.

Now we’ve come to fiesta central, the deck that hosts Lucinda’s famous parties and salsa dancing. Behind is her writing studio.

This is the buffet/bar.  Wouldn’t you love to be invited to a party here?

Now we’re in Lucinda’s Tequila Cantina, her homage to all things tequila. The vignette below would be perfect for the annual Dio de los Muertos celebrated by Mexicans (and Austinites) on November 1st.

Her collection of tequila bottles, glasses and accessories is epic.

More turquesa!

I’ve seen a lot of bottle trees in southern and southwest gardens, but none as evocative of lime and salt as this tree, appropriately mulched with corks!

Leading from the garden into the kitchen is the Stairway of Dreams. Come on in! (Lucinda said it’s okay….)

There are sleek, granite-countered kitchens, then there’s Lucinda’s wonderful, funky kitchen. I cannot imagine how many comidas deliciosas began in this colourful place!

Nor how many of her special Mexican martinis were mixed at this cabinet.

What a wonderful dining room for entertaining friends in Austin winters.

And, of course, there’s an agave chandelier overhead.

The Mexican punched-tin lamp sports its own adornments.

And there is folk art galore all around, from a lifetime of collecting in Mexico.

Her living room is cozy (and rosy).

Even the bathroom window is a seaside fantasy.

My last stop on the house tour was the bedroom, where purple walls and gorgeous bed linens create a kind of sueño mexicano.

Then it was time to say adios to our lovely hostess.

But that wasn’t the last time we’d see Lucinda during our fling. She was signing books the next night at our farewell party at the fabulous shop and venue, Articulture. Viva Tequila! is such a good read, part history, part botany, part cookbook, part cocktail primer and all fun — highly recommended.  (When I photographed her below, she had discovered I was Canadian and was regaling me with her love of the singer Ian Tyson. I think she even sang a few bars of one of his songs!)

I adore Mexico and have visited many regions over the past four decades. So here’s a margarita toast (straight from the beach in Manzanillo) to Lucinda Hutson and her exuberant spirit. Salud!

And since we can’t hear the mariachi bands that have surely graced Lucinda’s parties in her El Jardín Encantador, here’s a trio from a favourite restaurant in Cozumel, Casa Mission, singing my very favourite Spanish song.  I dedicate it to her.

A Garden for Wildlife in Texas

When the newspaper cartoonist and trailblazing conservationist Ding (Jay Norwood) Darling (1876-1962) established the National Wildlife Federation in 1936, he had conservation as his goal.  “Land, water and vegetation are just that dependent on one another. Without these three primary elements in natural balance, we can have neither fish nor game, wild flowers nor trees, labor nor capital, nor sustaining habitat for humans.”  Ruthie Burrus’s Austin garden meets those critera, and an NWF sign proclaims her intention for all visitors to see.

But it’s not really necessary to read the words on the sign, for you can discern Ruthie’s intent based on the masses of pollinator-friendly plants flanking the long driveway at its start near the road…..

…. and the painted lady butterfly nectaring on the mealycup sage (Salvia farinacea)…..

…. and the honey bee foraging on the blanket flower (Gaillardia pulchella)…..

…. and the cottage garden-style matrix of self-seeding, mostly native wildflowers and grasses.

For structure, Ruthie has used the “it plant” that we saw in almost every Austin garden, the beautiful whale’s tongue agave (A. ovatifolia).

Not every plant is native – brilliant, bee-friendly corn poppies (Papaver rhoeas) have been incorporated, and self-seed regularly.

But the Texas natives do attract their share of pollinators, including this beautiful pipevine swallowtail butterfly nectaring on Hesperaloe parviflora, or red yucca.

There was lovely pink evening primrose (Oenothera  speciosa)….

And Engelmann’s daisy (Engelmannia peristenia)…

And lemon beebalm  (Monarda citriodora…

And rock rose (Pavonia lasiopetala).

The curving driveway’s retaining wall is draped with bee-friendly rosemary.

When we reached the top of the driveway, we were treated to a tamer garden surrounding the Burrus’s lovely limestone home.

Ruthie Burrus was waiting for us there, ready to tour us around.

But even here, the plant palette was chosen to attract pollinators, like the honey bee on Salvia guaranitica ‘Amistad’, below.

In the shade, surrounded by ferns, was a water trough fountain with a slow-trickling stream of water cascading to the plantings below, then recirculated.

This was Texas hill country, and the view st the back of the house over the pool to downtown Austin was spectacular.

I loved the outdoor living room, protected from Texas gullywashers by a roof, and featuring a fireplace for cool evenings.

Beautiful succulent designs filled pots and troughs outdoors.

Many homeowners are including woodburning pizza ovens in their landscapes these days, and Ruthie’s was beautifully landscaped with Phlomis and agaves.

Nearby was a sweet building that Ruthie calls her garden haus.

A large cistern — one of two on the property — gathers rainwater channelled to it via a system of drains. A pump then facilitates irrigation of the garden.

We were just leaving when I heard excited voices at the front of the house. Looking up, I saw a huge tarantula on the cool limestone wall.  At the risk of anthrpomorphizing a little, it seemed to be saying, “I’m a Texas native insect too, and there’s room for all of us here!”


Chic and Sleek in Austin

We visited all kinds of gardens in Texas during our May Bloggers’ Fling, but one stood out for its sophisticated, yet restrained, palette of plants; its geometric division of a relatively small property, making it seem much larger; its bold use of colour; and its functionality, featuring well-designed spaces for outdoor living while offering a sense of leafy enclosure and sanctuary.  That garden, in Austin’s Brentwood neighbourhood, belonged to the eponymous designer behind B. Jane Gardens. The sun was hot and the light was harsh for photography by the time we arrived, but I took note of the drought-tolerant plants in her front garden, including myriad succulents and desert species.

I loved seeing silver ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) – a plant I’m familiar with in Toronto as a pricey trailer in containers of succulents – deployed as a groundcover with asparagus fern (Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’) around whale’s tongue agave (A. ovatifolia), a wonderful species and so popular here, we would see it in virtually every garden on tour. The bowl fountain in the background splashed gently, adding to the street appeal.

A small sign in the front garden acted as business card.

The limestone walk led to generously-proportioned steps leading to the gray house with a pretty orange front door…..

….. and a comfy turquoise glider with orange accents to match the door. I’m a big fan of turquoise-and-orange, and this garden would be a great illustration of that combo.

Heading around the house, the back garden’s prominent feature was a rectangular swimming pool overlooked by a dining alcove, outdoor kitchen….

…. and grill area, with wood stacked nearby for the fire pit in a far corner of the garden.

A grouping of planters arrayed against the walls of one of the poolside home offices added a splash of green (and basil for cooking). One very cool detail is the line of accent tile beneath the pool coping in shades of orange, peach, blue, turquoise and gray, picking up the house colour and hues used elsewhere in the garden.  Speaking of hues…. those floating beachballs in the perfect colours!  What a fun accessory!

Sometimes (especially on a busy tour like the Bloggers’ Fling, and particularly if I’m waiting for people to clear a scene), I focus on the small details and forget the big ones – like a wide angle shot of the back garden. So you’ll have to imagine that the lawn this blogger is crouching on formed a large rectangle beside the pool that is a welcome play area for the family’s two dogs.

And all along the lawn at the property line was this pretty raised planter, perfect for sitting, filled with Knockout roses and a privacy wall of bamboo

Oh, and a smiling Buddha (I can just imagine how lovely that lighting would be at night)…

…. under a flowering ghost plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense).

At the far end of the swimming pool was a raised deck with chaise lounges, and accent tables in orange.  I love the inner wall here, not something many gardeners consider, but it can be effective for hiding mechanics (of swimming pools, for example) and creating a dramatic background for a feature.

Here’s the side view, showing the raised planter around the lawn and the very edge of the fire pit.

Is it any wonder that B. Jane’s garden is in the Summer 2018 issue of Garden Design magazine?  (Click here to subscribe to beautiful Garden Design, one of the generous sponsors of our Bloggers Flings.)

Moving around the house to exit the garden after a much-too-short visit, we came to the spa off the master bedroom. What a great privacy screen that bamboo makes.

One of the two family dogs dropped by to bid farewell…..

…. as I took in the succulent design on the table…..

…. and a cool collection of cacti. Note the way all the colours are chosen for that brilliant palette.

The Texas heat was rising as I passed the lovely outdoor shower with the tropical ipe wood floor, and I imagined how welcome this would be after a few hours of gardening.    But for now, it was time to bid farewell to this chic little Austin garden and head back to the bus.

Birds, Bling and Beguiling Brown

Colleen Jamison has two gardens in the Highland Park area of Austin, Texas. There’s the one she tends around her home, which is lovely and full of intimate spaces and sweet decorative touches. Then there’s the one she shares with the street. Literally, with the street! In fact, it’s part of the street. During our May tour of Austin gardens during the Garden Bloggers Fling, we were treated to a stroll through this remarkable, leafy community space, which Colleen began designing years ago to disguise her view of a neighbour’s parked trucks through a neglected median strip which had become a messy, wild place where deer browsed. This is what it looked like on a (too) sunny morning in early May, as the emerging Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima) tickled the legs of a variety of beautiful garden benches.

An allée of crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia) created shade at one end; they would be full of blossoms later in the season. At the other end was a retama allée (Parkinsonia aculeata). A crushed stone path wends its way down the centre, and small solar lights create ambiance after dark. It is one of the most generous gestures I’ve seen, and quite remarkable in a world where neighbours tend to get out of their cars, unlock their front doors, then close them on the outside world.  When I asked Colleen if she’d had any trouble with city bylaws, she replied: “The city has had a ton of chances to complain, but not one peep from them.  In fact, they seem to appreciate it!

Imagine taking your breakfast coffee and the newspaper and sitting here as the wind blows through the leaves.  Colleen tells me that there hasn’t been any theft through the years, but someone, likely kids, spray-painted the cushions once.

The garden is accessible to both sides of the street.  Says Colleen: “The neighbors do use it a lot!  Parents walking their kids to school, runners, and folks walking around the neighborhood mostly.”

(Alas, the sun was shining brightly when I was there and created difficult shadows for photography. Pam Penick has done a very informative blog on Colleen’s street median garden, photographed in much kinder light, which I certainly can’t improve on. Have a read.”

Let’s start at the front of the house, where a pretty verandah is the perfect place to sit. And what I loved was the colour scheme, which is quite uniform for the upholstered pieces throughout the garden. Since I’m a big fan of red, I was entranced with how beautifully it plays with the rich brown woodwork everywhere.  And I always say that a painted front door is one of the easiest ways to add sex appeal to a house facade and enhance a front garden colour scheme.

It was on their verandah that I photographed Colleen Jamison, a retired executive and now garden designer, and her husband Bruce Baldwin, whose creative carpentry is on display throughout the garden.

The understated browns and reds even play a role in the scheme of this lovely window box.

Bruce turned a former door into the gate into the back garden….

….. and transformed garden tools into the gate handles.

There was a busy bird-feeding station in the side yard and I loved that this blue jay posed beside Colleen’s garden sign. “Everybirdy, maybe, but ME in particular!”

I liked how Bruce designed these shadow boxes for the fence, which Colleen planted up with white pots and crockery.

And here was the first of a few frogs in the garden, in an eternal yoga pose…..

…. while this one seemed ‘stumped’ about something.

The lizard was just happy to be there, gazing at Colleen’s bling.

The back garden patio and vine-wreathed pergola continued the lovely red-and-brown scheme of the front porch – even the candles are red!

And I’ve seen lots of bottle trees, but this kind of ‘bottle tree’ makes a lot more sense to me…. Bottoms up!

There was a splashing stone water feature surrounded by Salvia greggii – and what a fun idea, to mount a pretty plate in the foliage.

The back of the house was planted with roses and vines and featured….

….. a protected alcove with a comfy chaise lounge, all in red-and-brown. And yes, that’s red bougainvillea in the pot.

But it’s not red-and-brown everywhere. I love a purple pop in the garden, and this little painted metal bench fits the bill perfectly. (In fact this photo made me realize that I want a small metal bench like this in my own urban prairie garden, for those times when I get tired standing on the flagstone path to weed and water.)

And Colleen had blue on her mind with this lovely gathering of deck containers.

A wooden box planter with an ingenious steel rod trellis featured tomatoes. And bling, of course.

Speaking of bling, I’m going to finish this blog with a look at a few of Colleen’s pretty little suncatcher flourishes.  Because a garden is more than its plants and its hardscape and its four-season stucture, it’s also a place to let your personality shine through, whether in sophisticated pearls…..

….. or faux aquamarine…..

….. or all the jewel colours of the rainbow.

Texas Rhapsody in Blue

After getting to know Pam Penick during previous Garden Bloggers’ Flings, it was fun to visit her Austin, Texas garden in early May when bloggers from that lovely city who had hosted the very first fling in 2008 celebrated by hosting another 10 years later. Pam, a long-time blogger and author whose work can be seen in Garden Design magazine and other publications, was the one who had the idea for that first fling and organized it along with three other bloggers, including Diana Kirby (whose lovely garden was essentially rained out the previous day).  We got out in a pretty neighbourhood and walked under the multi-stemmed Texas live oaks (Quercus fusiformis) in her front garden.

Let’s move a little closer to the house, past the raised bed….

….. that holds a lovely ‘Green Goblet agave and beautiful blue, ceramic spheres.  Blue, as you’ll see when you finish this blog and scan the photos, is a favourite colour of Pam’s, and she does it well.

There is no front lawn here, just gravel mulch and fabulous, minimalist containers of succulents and generously-proportioned, poured concrete slabs leading to the front door.  It’s not surprising that Pam wrote two books that are illustrated so well in her garden. The first on conserving water is titled The Water Saving Garden:  How to Grow a Gorgeous Garden with a Lot Less Water (2016). The other is Lawn Gone: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard (2013).

I liked this little garage wall planter with its Buddha reposing amidst cacti and succulents.

Sticks on fire (Euphorbia tirucallii) from South Africa makes a great container subject.

Pam is on hand to answer questions about her garden and plant choices, about which she has said: “I enjoy growing plants native to central Texas, supplemented by well-adapted and drought-tolerant non-natives, many from northern Mexico.  Mixing it up with architectural agaves and colorful salvias, feathery ornamental grasses and golden yuccas, I’m striving for a garden with four-season interest and cat-like tendencies—meaning it doesn’t need my attention every single day. I like to play and relax in the garden, not just tend to it.

A long border softens space between the Penicks’ house and the neighbour’s driveway.

At the end of the border is a dramatic arrangement of dark-leaved dyckias with an heartful metal heart.

This is a beautiful combination, whale’s tongue agave (Agave ovatifolia) and  Salvia greggii…..

…. and behind it, a perfect little vignette in a galvanized trough.

Pam’s love of blue is certainly on display in this sitting area just outside the house door….

…. including a little blue bird in a blue dish with succulents.

Like the walls of any indoor dining room, Pam’s house wall gets the outdoor dining decorative treatment, too.

I do a lot of photography of colour in plant design, but people often forget that a spray can or a gallon of stain can be their best friend when wanting to inject colour in the garden, as with this fun perforated table and its blue and green accessories.

The property descends in the back quite steeply towards a greenbelt, so the deck has container-laden stairs leading up from ground level.

This cinderblock arrangement is such a cool, easy way to display succulents while setting up a visual boundary in the garden. And I like the taupe finish!

I’m willing to bet these vintage metal lawn chairs didn’t start out this colour, but met Pam’s clear love of all things blue!

Another Agave ovatifolia, with the small yellow flowers of hesperaloe and the reflections of the sky in a green gazing globe. The deer are so fond of “antlering” the hesperaloes and agaves that Pam surrounds them with black wire fencing from autumn until early spring.

There aren’t many colours here, just the cool blues of the pots and the myriad greens of the variegated yucca, Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima) and other plants.

At the bottom level of the garden is a swimming pool (sorry about the harsh light but we definitely preferred the sun to the previous day’s rain torrents)….

….. with a fun focal point.

A poolside Adirondack chair sports just the right colour of cushion.

Pam has a great fondness for galvanized stock tanks and troughs that she buys at farm supply stores. They add sophisticated lines and a unity of colour that looks great with all her greens and blues. I loved this simple row of pail planters.

And this is the mother of all stock tanks! With lovely aquatic plants.

If I was building a water feature to replace the labour-intensive, in-ground lily pond I already have, I’d create a simple fountain like the one below. Just enough water splash to create a little music in the garden.

No southern garden is complete without a bottle tree, and Pam’s unsurprisingly is blue!

And of course, of Pam’s collection of ornamental sages, blue Salvia guaranitica strikes just the right colour note.

It was time to head on to the next garden and I returned to the front via the sloping, gravel path on the other side of Pam’s house.

What could have been a blank, uninteresting garage wall along this path had been turned into something quite special with the addition of four trellised mirrors that reflected back sunlight and the greens of foliage.

Even here, there was a spot to sit and enjoy a moment of quiet. The light also reflected from the mirrored globes in the basket…..

….. and above my head, I caught sight of myself in yet another mirror, standing under those Texas live oaks, pointing my camera up at a final image in Pam Penick’s lovely Austin garden garden.