Signs of Spring

The forecast was for freezing rain with snowfall on its heels

After five long months of winter, I can’t describe how cruel that feels

So I packed my camera and coffee mug and headed out the door

To wrest that ball from winter’s court and even up the score

In my search for green and growing things, I didn’t look too hard

Before finding lots of ‘tommy’ crocuses in my own front yard

The small, violet flowers of Crocus tomassinianus 'Ruby Giant' in my own garden, affectionately nicknamed "tommies" by bulb fans.

The small, violet flowers of Crocus tomassinianus ‘Ruby Giant’ in my own garden, affectionately nicknamed “tommies” by bulb fans.

But I’d set my sights on another spot and started up my car

The Toronto Botanical Garden, you see, isn’t really very far

And though the place was showing signs of a winter long and cruel

Iris ‘Katherine Hodgkin’ was looking sweet and icy-cool

The delightful striped flowers of Iris histrioides 'Katherine Hodgkin' are an unusual color.

The delightful striped flowers of Iris ‘Katherine Hodgkin’ are an unusual color.

And that sunny Danford iris seemed too mellow-yellow for words

Yellow danford irises emerge and flower before the foliage appears.

Yellow danford irises emerge and flower before the foliage appears.

But ‘Donald Wyman‘ held all its fruit – what happened to hungry birds?

Leftover fruit on the 'Donald Wyman' crabapple may or may not be eaten by birds.  If not, experts recommend that these "mummified" fruits should be removed and raked out of the garden as they can harbour brown rot fungus spores.

Leftover fruit on the ‘Donald Wyman’ crabapple may or may not be eaten by birds. If not, experts recommend that these “mummified” fruits should be removed and raked out of the garden as they can harbour brown rot fungus spores.

The ‘Primavera’ witch hazel was living up to her special name

Hamamelis 'Primavera' is a dependable, early witch hazel.

Hamamelis ‘Primavera’ is a dependable, early witch hazel.

But the hellebores, a downcast lot, hung their pretty heads in shame

Hellebores tend to open their flowers in the warm sunshine.  This one is unusual in having dramatic, dark-red foliage.

Hellebores tend to open their flowers in the warm sunshine. This one is unusual in having dramatic, dark-red foliage.

All except for Helleborus niger, which looked overjoyed to know

That a “Christmas” rose can look forward to an “Easter” week with snow!

Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) starts flowering in late winter or very early spring, well ahead of the lenten roses (H. orientalis hybrids)..

Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) starts flowering in late winter or very early spring, well ahead of the lenten roses (H. orientalis hybrids)..

But then I found a gorgeous one with a pretty, upturned face

Yes, the aptly-named ‘Cinnamon Snow’ was spicing up the place

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Cinnamon Snow is a popular hybrid hellebore bred in Germany by Josef Heuger.

Cinnamon Snow is a popular hybrid hellebore bred in Germany by Josef Heuger.

The honey bees stayed in their hives, but the hover flies were flying

And nectaring on the winter heath (though the wind made that feat trying)

Winter heath (Erica carnea) offers food for early foragers, including hover flies, bumble bees and honey bees.

Winter heath (Erica carnea) offers food for early foragers, including hover flies, bumble bees and honey bees.

The crocuses were a safer bet and a white one offered pollen

(Who knows where her next meal might be once the April snow has fallen?)

Crocus stigmas offer a rich source of springtime pollen for many bees and flies.

Crocus stamens offer a rich source of springtime pollen for many bees and flies.

And pink chionodoxa – or what the taxonomists have now decreed

Should be considered part of Scilla – fulfilled this one’s dining need

Pink glory-of-the-snow attracts a hover fly.

Pink glory-of-the-snow attracts a hover fly.

The wind picked up old autumn leaves and blew them from the beds

Uncovering the winter aconites with their sweet, fringed flower-heads

Winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) are among the earliest spring bulbs to flower, but tend to close in the afternoon or on colder days.  When open, they are very attractive to bees.

Winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) are among the earliest spring bulbs to flower, but tend to close in the afternoon or on colder days. When open, they are very attractive to bees.

Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ seemed to be a few weeks late

The explosion of colour will come, no doubt , but for now I have to wait

Narcissus 'Rijnfeld's Early Sensation' is later than usual this spring.

Narcissus ‘Rijnfeld’s Early Sensation’ is later than usual this spring.

The showers started and I packed things up and headed to my car

Past a drift of Crocus ‘Gipsy Girl’ – a dark-striped springtime star

'Gipsy Girl' is a very good multiplier, spreading in low clumps.

‘Gipsy Girl’ is a very good multiplier, spreading in low clumps.

By the time I arrived at home the wind was blowing up a gale

The temperature was falling fast and the rain fell hard as hail

But the earth was growing green again and it made my spirit sing

That this dark and stormy April day had yielded signs of spring

Sleeping Crocuses

I ran out the door, glancing briefly at the little crocuses peeking out from under the mess of stems left over from last summer’s garden. Their silken purple tepals were open to the April sun like tiny fairy chalices, the miracle of spring spangled across the wet, brown leaf litter.  “Pick a few,” I said to myself, but I was late for an appointment.

Why does the warm weather always arrive before I’ve raked? Why don’t I cut the garden down in autumn?  Why bother asking those questions when it’s the same old thing, year after year. Such ingredients help in effective communication through the nervous system free viagra in canada from reacting appropriately to sexual provocation. cialis 5mg uk GinsengIt is a very highly respected herb in Chinese medicine. According to Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, an associate professor of pharmacology at Georgetown University “Before trying an herb or supplement?” Not every man needs the magic touch of sildenafil online india ; occasionally all one needs is a healthy diet, exercise along with a little of Mother Nature’s touch. The alcohol content increases in the viagra from canada pharmacy blood and it decreases the stress on the right ventricle of the heart and improves functioning of your reproductive system.  When I returned home, the clouds had emerged and the crocuses had closed against the dropping temperature and impending rain.  But shy crocuses in little vases today are better than mud-splattered crocuses in the garden tomorrow.  So spring came indoors for the night.

'Purple Remembrance' and 'Pickwick' Dutch crocuses in bud vases.

‘Purple Remembrance’ and ‘Pickwick’ Dutch crocuses in bud vases.


An Ode to Snowdrops

 There’s an exponential relationship – I know this to be true

Between the length of winter and the desperate way I view

Those first emerging nodding bells of shimmering, pure white

Oh, common little snowdrop, you are such a welcome sight

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A nosegay of snowdrops in an antique shot glass.  Placed in a little vase like this, you can sniff their sweet perfume.

A nosegay of snowdrops in an antique shot glass. Placed in a little vase like this, you can sniff their sweet perfume.