It’s May Day, tra-la-tra-la. The birds are singing, the blossoms perfuming the air. Well, not exactly. Harrummph! I just had a look at the forecast and it’s rain, more or less, for the first four days of May. So I’m heading west on the weekend to find some spring colour and sunshine. In the meantime, here’s a little tour of the High Line in New York City, memories of a rainy May Day morning two years ago.

I was with my good friend and photographer sidekick, Ginny Weiler, from North Carolina. She was a more purposeful walker than me.

It’s difficult to imagine what this elevated green park looked like in the 1930s. Fortunately, there are historic photos on the site.

It has a great view of new and old buildings, including Frank Gehry’s curvilinear InterActive Corp. building.

Ornamental sage and amsonias are among the first perennials to emerge.
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Fresh spring flowers: shooting star (Dodecatheon media), horsetails (Equisetum hyemale) and foamflower (Tiarella media).

The High Line features regular art installations throughout the year.

It had its heyday, before it was planted to heucheras.

I love this view of the old freight entrance into the building.

The three-flower maple grove (Acer triflorum). It was rainy that May Day, too, but it was New York City rain. There’s a difference……