I was reminded today, as I drove through Mount Pleasant Cemetery, then home again, that this particular time in June is resplendently white in blossom. Seriously, there are white flowers everywhere! Let’s start in the cemetery with this rather rare shrub, Oriental photinia (P. villosa). A member of the Rosaceae family, it has lovely yellow leaves in autumn.
The fountain-like Van Houtte spireas (Spiraea x vanhouttei) were almost finished, but I managed to find one little branch that hadn’t yet browned.
Kousa dogwoods (Cornus kousa) were looking paricurly lovely with their creamy-white bracts.
Japanese snowball (Viburnum plicatum) was beautiful, too.
There were peonies in my favourite memorial garden at the cemetery, including this lovely single white.
Deutzias grace the cemetery, and I was interested that although there were matching Lemoine deutzias (D. x lemoinei) on either side of a grand tombstone, just one of the pair was attracting bees, lots of them. Only the bees know why the other shrub wasn’t attractive.
The lovely dwarf Deutzia gracilis cascaded over a granite stone.
And the black locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia) were dangling their pendant flowers from the tall branches like tree-borne wisteria. Tonight, those flowers will perfume the air around them with their honey fragrance.
When I pulled into my driveway at home, I was greeted by a little regiment of tall, double-white camassias (C. leichtlinii ‘Semi Plena’). I don’t normally plant double flowers, preferring to nurture the bees with single blossoms, but they were in a mislabelled package a few years back, and I do enjoy that they come into flower after the single blue Leichtlin’s camassia.
And as I looked out my kitchen window to the far corner of the garden, I admired one of my very favourite spring shrubs, the big pagoda or alternate-leafed dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) wtih its layered branches. It was doing a lovely pas de deux with my neighbour Claudette’s pale-pink beauty bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis).
Here’s a closer look at those abundant flower clusters. I do love this native shrub.
And those are my June whites for today. Now all we need is a bride!
I’ve blogged before about Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Here’s one with an autumnal flavour, and another about the magnificent trees in winter.
Love them all, but have a particular fondness for the (I think, underused) Deutzia.
I love deutzia too, Helen. Had it once; it disappeared. I was reminded at the cemetery that deutzias do need attention from the gardener, because D. gracilis was exhibiting last winter’s dead stems above the flower show. Still, beautiful.
I love white flowers and creating white gardens. They are particularly lovely in the early evening when is when my hard working clients have a bit of time. Your garden is lovely!
Laurin, thank you so much. (Missed this in my travels!) Yes, a night garden with pale scented plants is perfect for folks who work days. (Or even folks who stay home!)