Cruising the Eastern Arctic – Itilleq

With just two days left on our Adventure Canada Arctic expedition in Nunavut and western Greenland, we awoke on August 5th to a thick fog that prevented us from going ashore at our first scheduled stop, the small, abandoned fishing village of Assaqutag. But that didn’t stop a few people from actually fishing off the back deck, with small Greenland cod or ojac jigged two and three to the line, no bait needed. The passengers had fun with expedition leader Stefan Kinberg standing by to untangle their lines.

Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) is the principal catch off the coast and a major source of livelihood and food for the inhabitants at our next port of call, the tiny village of Itilleq.

After breakfast, we paid a visit to the ship’s bridge. The helmsman had his binoculars out; between sea ice and fog, an Arctic seafarer has much to consider.

On the table was the nautical chart for tomorrow’s final destination, Kangerlussuag or Søndre Strømfjord   These paper charts are combined with GPS, electronic chart display, sonar and radar to ensure safe passage.

As we sailed towards Itilleq, a pair of pomarine jaegers flew overhead (Sterecorarius pomarinus). Like its cousin the parasitic jaeger, “It robs gulls, terns and even gannets of their catches. Like most other jaeger species, it continues this piratical behaviour throughout the year, showing great agility as it harasses its victims.” (Wiki)

And, of course, we saw our old friend, the northern fulmar.

Soon Itilleq came into view, the only settlement on a tiny island in a group of islands one kilometre off the coast of Greenland in the Davis Strait and just 2 km (1.2 mi) north of the Arctic Circle. Its original name was Itivdleq. With a population of 89 (2020), its main industries are fishing and hunting, with a fish factory located here. Drinking water is produced with a reverse osmosis desalination plant.  Itilleq’s most famous native son is Hans Enoksen, who was born there in 1956; he served as Greenland’s Prime Minister from 2002-2009.

This was how we boarded the zodiacs for our shore excursions.

Occasionally, our zodiac captain would be wearing a disguise! Actually Dr. Mark Mallory, renowned bird biologist, professor and Tier I Canada Research Chair in Coastal Ecosystem Resilience and Connectivity at Acadia University, was dressed for the upcoming soccer match with the villagers of Itilleq.

The rocks here, as they are everywhere in the Arctic, were cloaked with rockweed (Fusca distichus), a very common seaweed or brown algae that’s found throughout the northern reaches of the planet.

I loved the concentration on the face of this little boy at the Itilleq dock. He was playing a Kendama cup-and-ball game that made me think of the days when no one had yet heard of Fischer-Price or Game Boy.

Like all the houses in the Greenland towns, villages and settlements we visited, those in Itilleq’s were brightly painted. I think if I lived there, I would have a purple house like this one.

As always, I spied wildflowers on the way. This little white-flowered brassica, Cardamine pratensis, is circumboreal, occurring in northern climates around the planet.

There’s a bit of a backstory to what happened next. For decades, since the 1990s, Adventure Canada has nourished its relationships with Greenlanders and Canadian Inuit communities through participatory activities like this friendly soccer match. (Here’s a newspaper story on a similar match from 2005). Today’s game was an attempt to even the score and avenge the villagers’ win on the last expedition that stopped by.  And yes, that’s an actual half-sized soccer field made of gravel!

Cruise participants and Adventure Canada staffers like Jason Edmunds in the wig (he’s now Expedition Leader for the company) teamed up against the villagers.

A cheering section sat on the ancient Precambrian gneiss bleacher seats.

 I stayed to watch a little of the action, with the Greenland youth paired against…. well, more mature folks.

The blue t-shirts did seem to outnumber the town athletes….

….. creating a possible unfair advantage. But there were no linesmen in attendance!

The young boys of Itilleq happily posed for photos.

But I wanted to see flora, so I decided to take a walk up beyond the village cemetery, where I could gaze down the hill at the soccer pitch and houses nestled in the hollow below. Itilleq means “hollow” in Kalaallisut and you can see why in the photo below.

On the walk, I flushed out some birds from the vegetation beside the path. This is a snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).

And this little guy, I was told by naturalist and ornithologist Justin Peter (my Facebook buddy), is a juvenile snow bunting. I loved the way it took flight from the rock.

I looked down and saw a bone (seal?) nestled in the crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), its fruit still green.

Weaving through the crowberry was grayleaf willow (Salix glauca).

Arctic willow (Salix arctica) with its hairy leaves was growing up a beautiful Precambrian gneiss rock.  As our expedition botanist says of Arctic willow in the wonderful book she co-authored with Susan Aiken, Common Plants of Nunavut:They have been aged anywhere from 60 to 236 years old, the oldest one being from Greenland.”

Dwarf fireweed (Chamaenerion latifolium) was, by now, a familiar friend in the natural landscape of the Eastern Arctic.

I reached the rocky top of a slope overlooking a narrow strait with other small islands off the mainland…..

…. and then I sat down and soaked it in. Was I in heaven? Yes.  In front of my hiking shoes was a cluster of purple bellflower…..

…. whose taxonomy I have looked up, because it seemed so different from the little bellflower I know from rocky regions in Ontario (Campanula rotundifolia L.). Many sources assign that name to this plant, but others, such as Kew, refer to it as Campanula giesekiana Vest ex Schult. Whatever its name, the plant is beautiful.

Out on a little islet, gulls were fishing, including the Greenland gull and great black-backed gull (Larus marinus).

Overhead, a pair of ravens squawked.

Walking back through the village, I passed our three Inuit cultural stars:  Bernadette Dean, left, who hails from Southampton Island in northern Hudson’s Bay; Heidi Langille, centre, originally from Labrador, now in Ottawa; and Aaju Peter, right, born in Arkisserniaq, Greenland now resident in Iqaluit, Nunavut.  Aaju, it turned out, spent time as a young child in Itilleq and was able to trade stories with some of the elders.

By the time I got back to the soccer pitch, the teams were shaking hands. Adventure Canada won this round, but there will be more games in the future.

It was time to return to the ship. Repaying the hospitality of the village, Adventure Canada invited the townspeople to join us on board for refreshments and a little variety show. Those who attended seem to enjoy it very much. 

Then the zodiacs took them back to Itilleq.  What a treat this was, to experience a little of life in a small Inuit community, the shared cultural experience.

The anchors came up and we were underway south off Greenland’s coast then a sharp left turn up into Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord)……

…. towards our departure point in the town of Kangerlussuaq, which I’ll describe in the 10th and final edition in my Eastern Arctic blog series next time.


This is the 9th in my series on the Eastern Arctic.  Here are the 8 previous blogs (with only one remaining, on Kangerlussuaq):


Butterfly Bay and the Waters off Baffin Island


Sunneshine Fjord



Qilakitsok and Uummannaq


Cruising the Eastern Arctic – Qeqertarsuaq

Day 9 of our voyage with Adventure Canada found us 168 km (104 mi) south of our last port, Uummanaq, and 100 km (62 mi) west of spectacular Ilulissat in the small town of Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland (population 870 in 2020).

“Qeqertarsuaq” is the Kalaallisut word for “big island” – meaning Disko Island, on which the town is located.  In fact, apart from the tiny village of Kangerluk, it’s the only town on Disko Island.  Founded in 1773 by Danish whaler and merchant Svend Sandgreen, it was originally called Godhavn (“good harbour”).  However artifacts have been found from a Paleo-Eskimo settlement dating back 5,000-6,000 years.

Looming behind Qeqertarsuaq are red basalt cliffs almost 3,000 feet tall, with layered lava benches.  This geological formation  is relatively young,  formed by volcanism some 60 million years ago (the Maligât Formation), compared to the Precambrian bedrock (1.6+ Ga) we see layered at the front in the photo below.  Interestingly, Disko Island is famous for its rare, non-meteoric, naturally-occurring iron or cohenite, which forms when molten magma invades a coal deposit – in this case emerging through sediment in a very deep lake.

Today the town of Qeqertarsuaq is the home of the Arctic Research Station (Artiskstation) Greenland campus, for the University of Copenhagen. You can see the main building on the right up the road from the dad bicycling his kids past the bedrock, below. 

We saw students from the Arctic Station working on a research project. Much of the monitoring here is related to GEM – Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring – a long-term monitoring program operated by Greenlandic and Danish research institutions. The focus of GEM is on Arctic ecosystems and climate change effects and feedbacks in Greenland.

Like Sisimiut and Ilulissat, Qeqertarsuaq features rows of colourful houses. I especially liked the subtle shading here.

Meltwater ponds were abundant at the base of the hill.

In a town where fishing is the main industry, it’s not unusual to see fishing nets drying along with curtains in the sunshine.

We got close to the land in Qeqertarsuaq, beginning our trek crossing the bridge at the outlet of the Kuussuaq River under the bridge.  

Kuussuaq in English is Red River (Røde Elv in Danish), because of the reddish, lateritic soil that washes down from the volcanic rock underlying the Lyngmark Glacier into the river and out into Disko Bay.

The craggy, mossy hillside was dramatic…..

…. and the ground in places was littered with rocks washed down from the glacier, i.e. “glacial outwash field”.

The Kuussuac River is a braided river, with water rushing down through deep crevasses from the Lyngmark Glacier. I can see purple patches of dwarf fireweed on the riverbank below.

We stood for a while beside the Qorlortorsuaq waterfall – a phrase which is redundant in Greenlandic, since the word actually means “big waterfall”.

On my trek, I had to stop and photograph plants, of course – many of which were now familiar since our first day in Iqaluit.  This is dwarf birch (Betula nana).

Clustered lady’s mantle (Alchemilla glomerulans) grew along a stream.

I love the Inuit lore associated with the twisted styles on the seedheads of Dryas integrifolia, the entire leaf mountain avens. In Kalaallisut and Inuktitut, this plant is called malikkaat because it designates practices associated with the passing seasons.  In Nunavut, Canada, according to oral history, “When the seed heads are tightly twisted, caribou skins are too thin to make clothing. As the seed heads untwist, caribou skins are suitable for women’s clothing. When the seed heads are fully open, caribou skins are suitable for men’s clothing.”

An Arctic fritillary butterfly (Boloria chariclea) foraged in the meadow.

The verdant Blæsedalen Valley or Itinneq Kangilleq beckoned ahead, but our time was running out.   

I managed a few images of the amazing irregular basalt columnar formations forming the cliff walls in certain places. As you might expect from its volcanic origin, there are also geothermal springs in this area, especially a little further up the coast at Unartorssuak where water issuing onto the beach below a large erratic rock (Termistorstenen) is between 13-16C (55-60F).

If we’d had more time there, I would have loved to keep hiking upwards to Kuannit, the place where locals find the biennial herb Angelica archangelica (“kvan” in Danish, “kuanneq” in Kalaallisut) growing and gather it as a vegetable and medicinal.  Alas, no time. I found the plant pictured below growing in Vancouver’s UBC Botanical Garden traditional herb garden.

It was time to retrace our steps along the Kuussuaq River and head back towards Disko Bay.

Beyond the outwash field and the drop-off was the famous black sand beach of Qeqertarsuaq.

On our way through town, we stopped at the little museum. In 1840, it was the home of the colonial inspector; today it houses a nice display of traditional artifacts and clothing,

…. carvings and modern art works….

…..  as well as a large collection of the work of Greenlandic hunter and painter Jakob Danielsen (1888-1938) who chronicled the hunting life a century ago.

Painting by Jakob Danielsen (1888-1938) – Qeqertarsuaq Museum, Greenland

There was an exhibit of tupilaqs in the museum, too. In the Greenland Inuit tradition, a tupilaq is an avenging monster created by a shaman and placed into the sea to seek and destroy a specific enemy. But deploying a tupilaq was risky because the enemy target could have stronger power and send the tupilaq back to attack its maker. Ancient tupilaqs were made of perishable materials in secret places; modern ones are fabricated from narwhal and walrus tusk and wood or caribou antlers.

To honour the museum’s collection of ulus or “women’s knives”, I bought a postcard, which the clerk packed in a beautiful…..

….. shopping bag decorated with a wonderful collection of these knives from all around the Arctic. In Nunavut, the knife is called an ulu; in Greenland, it’s called a sakiaq; in the Northwest Territories, it’s an uluaq. The knife is used to skin and clean animals, cut a child’s hair, slice food, and even trim the blocks of ice used to build an igloo.

We headed back to the ship.  Not long after lifting anchor, we were rewarded with another whale sighting — this time a humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae).

That night, we were treated to one of Adventure Canada’s onboard traditions, the “talent show”. Hawaiian-themed, it featured performances from both passengers and crew. Here the resource staff offered their own take. From left, culturalist (Labrador-born Inuk) Jason Edmunds, Adventure Canada president Matthew Swan (now retired), “the entertainer” Tom Kovacs, field botanist Carolyn Mallory, Inuit art specialist (behind) Carol Heppenstall (now retired), seabird biologist Dr. Mark Mallory and expedition leader Stefan Kindberg (now retired).

Though we didn’t sing or recite Scottish ballads or play guitar, Doug and I got into the act with tacky dollar-store leis.

Best of all, the evening ended with a gorgeous Arctic sunset.   


This is the 8th in my series on the Eastern Arctic.  Here are the 7 previous blogs (only two remaining):


Butterfly Bay and the Waters off Baffin Island


Sunneshine Fjord



Qilakitsok and Uummannaq

Cruising the Eastern Arctic – Qilakitsoq and Uummannaq

After our spectacular visit to the UNESCO site at Ilulissat, Day 8 found us north of there in Uummannaq Fjord with two stops planned: the first at the archaeological site Qilakitsoq on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, the location of the discovery of eight 500-year-old mummies who lived at the time of the Thule people; the second at the town of Uummannaq itself on Uummannaq Island. En route, we passed mountains flanking the fjord showing an alluvial fan at the bottom for glacial runoff, with ice far up the valley.

As we sailed, we had a lecture in the lounge from one of Adventure Canada’s Inuit cultural representatives, Aaju Peter. Born in Greenland but a resident of Nunavut for many decades and a recipient of the Order of Canada, Aaju is passionate about the rights of Inuit sealers and has appeared as a lawyer at the EU to speak on the sealing industry and oppose the European ban. In the talk she gave to us, she criticized the anti-sealing movement, claiming that “whitecoats” (baby seals) have not been killed since the 1980s but the poster that anti-sealing groups use is always a bloodied baby seal. She talked about the importance of the traditional industry to her people… “a million dollars might not mean much in Europe”, but to the Inuit of the far north it is a vital source of income. She also asked for volunteers for a fashion show she planned at our first stop, featuring sealskin garments she designs and manufactures.

Soon it was time to head to shore in the zodiacs. Qilakitsoq lies in a very beautiful setting on Nuussuaq Peninsula within a small protected cove. 

Just a short walk from the shore was a lush meadow featuring mounds where underground dwellings from an abandoned Inuit settlement lie.

But we were visiting this place to view the rocky grave site of eight of the oldest, well-preserved bodies in the Arctic region.  Despite the uneven footing, many of our group made their way up the path through the rocks to the place where in 1972 brothers Hans and Jokum Grønvold, who were hunting partridge, came upon the grave sheltered in a ‘cleft’ under an outcrop. The arrangement of stones seemed curious to the brothers, who turned over a few before discovering the bodies. Thinking there might have been a crime, they replaced the rocks and alerted the police.  It would be 1978 before researchers visited the site to find two graves: the first with three women stacked atop each other with a small boy on top of them and a well-preserved baby atop all; the second contained three more women. The women were dressed in intricately-fashioned animal skin garments; surrounding them were valuable animal skins. It is believed that Greenland’s cold, dry climate and this remote location with low temperatures and humidity and protection from rain and snow (which would have caused decay) resulted in natural freeze-drying or mummification of the bodies. And since any modern Inuit inhabitants had long abandoned the site, no one had ever discovered it.

Today, the four best preserved mummies, three women and the 6-month old child are displayed in the Greenland National Museum in Nuuk. The baby was alive when buried, the theory being the traditional belief that the mother and baby should “travel to the land of the dead together”. Through carbon-dating, researchers determined that the bodies were approximately 500 years old, c. 1460 AD, making them part of the Thule (Too-lee) Inuit culture (proto-Greenlander Inuit).  Thule people arrived in the region c 1200 AD from present-day Alaska via Thule (now named Qaanaaq, Greenland’s most northerly town), thus the name.  Thule culture effectively ended with Danish colonization in 1721. The mummies also yielded abundant cultural and physical information about the era and conditions in which they lived. Of the six women, infra-red lighting revealed traditional facial tattoos on five of their foreheads, believed to indicate puberty and/or marriage. DNA testing revealed their kinship relationships. Analysis of matter from the colon of one woman revealed her diet had included mosses and other plants; isotopic analysis showed that the animal remains in her diet were marine mammals and fish as well as game such as reindeer. Abundant lice were in evidence, including on the food in their intestines. One of the older women had a throat tumour commonly associated with Epstein-Barr virus. The lymph nodes in their lungs revealed high levels of soot, common in people using seal oil lamps in confined spaces. The cause of their deaths was likely contagion or infection.

From the top of Qilakitsoq and positioned beside an inuksuk, we could see Uummannaq Mountain or “Hjertefjeldet”, as the Danes called it, the heart-shaped peak that overlooks the town of Uummannaq, where we would travel next.

And there was the MV Sea Adventurer awaiting our return by zodiac. Incidentally, this single rock is also a traditional ‘inuksuk’.

Gazing around, I saw nodding saxifrage (Saxifraga cernua) tucked into the rocks….

…. and a beautiful large-flowered wintergreen (Pyrola grandiflora) too.

Looking to the beach below, we saw an Arctic fox (Vulpus lagopus) prowling about – which I’ve magnified a little here.

And there was a school of fish near the shore, likely cod, I was told.

Then it was time for our sealskin fashion show in the meadow. Aaju Peter wore one of her own designs….

…. and two of the passengers modelled her garments while demonstrating the traditional Inuit drum and mallet.

Zodiacs took us back to the ship to sail to our next stop, Uummannaq, a short distance away. The shallow water here was as blue as any we’d seen on the trip so far and the day was warm enough to make it seem almost tropical.

With just 1,407 inhabitants (2020), this little village nestled on a small island under the jutting, heart-shaped, 1170 m (3839 ft)  Uummannaq Mountain is the eighth-largest town in Greenland. Located 500 miles north of the Polar Circle, its primary industries are fishing, hunting, canning and marble quarrying. But that isn’t really why it’s become famous.

And though the big icebergs dominate the waters in front of Uummannaq, that isn’t why it’s become famous either.

This is really why it has earned its fame: the remarkable story of the children from The Children’s Home of Ummannaq. We began our visit with a special concert by the children’s orchestra, featuring Venezuelan music teacher Ron Davis Alvarez conducting. When we were there, Ron was volunteering under the aegis of Venezuela’s El Sistema music education program. Founded in 1975 under the name Social Action for Music, it now operates around the world.  The children in the orchestra that day were among the 23 residents of The Children’s Home. According to the website: “These kids all come from families with severe social problems. They only have a little contact with their relatives, some are even orphans and others are mentally and/or physically handicapped. At The Children’s Home, we try to help the kids to overcome the traumatic experience of their childhood by educational activities, projects, therapy groups and resocialization. The educational and therapeutic activities keep the Greenlandic culture at the centre while staying open to the world. The activities include hunting and fishing projects, boat trips hiking and dogsled expeditions, art and music therapies, video workshops, camps, education and summer holiday travels, etc.”

It was wonderful to watch the children in their traditional costumes playing their instruments so proficiently.

The concert was watched by Ann Andreasen, below, principal of The Children’s Home and director of the Uummannaq Polar Institute. She had boarded the ship that morning to talk to us a little about what she does here in Uummannaq, beginning with her involvement with the home. She also co-produced and acted in a film called “Inuk“, which was selected as the Greenlandic entry for the 2013 Academy Awards. After the musical presentation, we would walk to the Blubber House movie theatre for a screening of scenes from the film. Inuk’s screenwriters were inspired by the Children’s Home of Uummannaq, and had already written two documentaries with Ann Andreasen’s assistance. The film is a coming-of-age story about a 16 year old Inuk who is torn between the violence of his alcoholic parents and his dreams of creating an Inuit rock band. When he is sent to a foster home in the north, his foster guardian sends him to a bear hunter to learn wisdom. Inuk is initiated into manhood via a dogsled journey to the seal hunt – a journey on which he also meets a young woman.

After the children finished playing, it was our turn. Adventure Canada’s entertainer Thomas Kovacs gave his best Elvis imitation..

Then Aaju Peter led us in three songs (including Amazing Grace) in the Kalaallisut dialect that we had been practising with her on the ship. We didn’t win any awards, but the kids seemed to like our sincerity anyway

Following a very pleasant reception at the home, we were free to tour the town for a few hours. There’s never any doubt about the traditional mode of transportation in Greenland…..

….. including the beautiful sled dogs.

We saw dried fish hanging near their kennels, part of their diet along with regular dog food and seal scraps.

The big icebergs come from the Ilulissat Icefjord, which we visited the previous day.  

This was one of the prettiest scenes on our trip. The ever-present false mayweed or seaside chamomile (Tripleurospermum maritimum) growing through a sled.

And look who came to pose!  Sled dog poppies are allowed to run free until they reach a certain age.

I came upon another little dried-peat-and-stone house near the harbour. This one was built in 1925 and actually occupied by an old women until 1989.

It’s been maintained in the very same state as the day she left.

Nearby was a unique open air exhibit of turn-of-the-century historic photographs of Greenland Inuit by polar explorers Arnold Heim and Alfred de Quervain, sponsored by the Ummannaq Polar Institute. This young Uummannaq woman, Karen, worked as a carrier and cook on de Quervain’s first expedition in 1909, which I spent hours reading about one night as I prepared this blog.  Be warned: it’s quite addictive to lanch into this amazing account.  

Heading back to the town dock, I was impressed with the fish boats anchored below the mountain’s formidable wall.

More fish boats lay at anchor in the protected harbour.

At the dock, a family unloaded its catch. Note the young mother with her baby carriage and the sweet smile on her face. She was wearing a waterproof survival suit like her husband.

I believe this is Greenland halibut or turbot, which requires a very long line.

The MV Sea Adventurer was waiting for us in Uummannaq Fjord like a picture postcard, and there was a much-heralded activity for late afternoon! I chose to be an upper-deck photographer, rather than a participant….

…. so I captured this portside view of the “support crew”, i.e. expedition leader Stefan Kindberg, sea bird biologist Mark Mallory, and photographer Dennis Minty. Support for what, you ask? Why…..

….. the famous Polar Plunge, of course!  The Arctic in early August averages about 4C (39F) so this is not like jumping off a cottage dock into a warm lake in Canadian summer… unless your dock happens to be north of the Arctic Circle. Neverthless, I enjoyed the style of these brave expedition participants, e.g. the one-knee cannonball….

… the spread-eagle with winter-themed socks (the rope being a safety measure for those who requested it)….

….the pas de deux avec splash…..

….the perfect stride jump….

….the “toque-and-socks might keep those parts warm”….   

….and, finally, the straight-as-an-arrow submerge.

With all the polar plunges finished – there were more than 30 passengers in all! – and the participants congratulated, the anchor was lifted and we sailed off around the icebergs of Uummannaq Fjord towards our next day’s destination.

As always, guests found a spot on the deck to keep watch for animal life….

….. and as we came out into open water, we were rewarded with the sight of a pair of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) spouting, to the delight of our marine biologist, Deanna Leonard-Spitzer. Fins are the second-biggest mammals on the planet, after blue whales.

Late that night, as I closed my book and prepared to go to sleep, I took a look out our window and found that though the sky had darkened somewhat, it was still more like 9 o’clock on a summer evening in Canada….

…. than half-past midnight in the Arctic.


This is the 7th in my Eastern Arctic blog series on our wonderful expedition with Adventure Canada. And if you have an interest in doing an Arctic trip, their next scheduled expedition will feature Margaret Atwood! Be sure to read my other blogs on:


Butterfly Bay and the Waters off Baffin Island


Sunneshine Fjord

