Plant a Fumewort Party!

My most exciting spring bulb doesn’t look much like a “traditional” bulb flower; it looks more like a tiny orchid. It comes in gorgeous colors, is very hardy, spreads reliably and should be much more popular than it is.

Corydalis solida - Fumewort But shhhh…If everyone finds out how wonderful “fumewort” is, they’ll all be looking for it.  Even with that unfortunate common name, Corydalis solida has been the most pleasant find for me. And while the common mauve species is easy to find and spreads like crazy in a partly-shaded spot (mine are under a black walnut tree)…

Corydalis solida on my path


….the colorful cultivars like raspberry-pink C. solida ‘George Baker’ and light-pink ‘Beth Evans’ are more rare.  And they do cost a pretty penny, but if you begin with just a few bulbs they’ll slowly spread. Corydalis solida and its colorful forms are spring ephemerals, meaning they pop up quickly then die back for summer.  They prefer part shade and humus-rich soil, but my ‘George Baker’ is in full sun next right to a winter-salted boulevard and thrives there. Corydalis solida 'George Baker'

Here’s a little tip.  When you’re planting them in autumn, mix them up in a basket with some bright blue glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa forbesii), striped squill (Puschkinia scilloides), Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) and maybe some violet crocuses, or lavender-blue windflowers (Anemone blanda). That’s right, plant a fumewort party! Corydalis companions

A Visit to Seaside Gardens

One of the very best days I spent on my California trip was an outing to Seaside Gardens in Carpinteria. Seaside GardensWhy?  Because it isn’t often at all that you find a retail nursery that devotes more than three-quarters of its space to a demonstration garden creatively highlighting the plants it sells by their geographic regions!Garden Map

In fact, having seen just the African garden the day before on my way north from LA, I decided to drive back south from Santa Barbara to spend several hours there. African Garden I went back into the African garden and surprised an Anna’s hummingbird nectaring on the Aloe maculata.Female Anna's hummingbird on aloe

The coast coral tree (Erythrina caffra), called kafferboom in South Africa, was in full, glorious bloom. Erythrina caffra-coral tree

Pretty purple and white African daisies (Osteospermum sp.) formed a flowery carpet under the leucadendrons.Leucadendron & Osteospermum

Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ is an understandably popular cultivar of this member of the Protea family.Leucandendron 'Safari Sunset'

In the Native California garden designed by Tim Doles, California irises look lovely with lilac verbena (V. lilacina).Native irises & Verbena lilacina

And naturally, since it was late March, there were huge drifts of shimmering, orange California poppies everywhere (Eschscholzia californica).

California poppies-Eschscholzia californica

I was entranced by the flowers of the California plane tree (Platanus racemosa) with their dangling, red button flowers. A riparian species, it was sited appropriately along the wetland area.

California sycamore - Platanus racemosa


















In the Asian garden, a photinia (Photinia x fraseri) was attracting bees to its white flower clusters, and I was struck by how a plant one normally sees pruned into a tight hedge can redeem itself by appearing so beautifully au naturelPhotinia

As I walked on, I passed a woman walking her dog.  “Do you come here often?” I asked. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Yes, I do,” she replied with a smile.  “I’m the owner.” I had just bumped into Dr. Linda Wudl.  Both she and her husband Fred are prominent scientists and philanthropists, and Seaside Gardens is her retirement project. I mentioned I was on a self-designed California garden tour and had returned to Seaside to spend more time photographing the plants, which seemed to delight her.  She made sure to praise the staff — “it’s their hard work” — and then resumed her walk, adding over her shoulder:  “Just look at the Chinese fringe tree – isn’t it lovely?”  It certainly was. Chinese fringe tree-Chionanthus retusus

Bees were everywhere, like these honey bees nectaring on the statuesque pride-of-Madeira (Echium candicans) and foraging for pollen in the California poppies.Pride-of-Madeira & California poppy

There was a charming cottage garden, with lots of old-fashioned flowers and some new takes as well, like this pretty combination of Chinese ground orchids (Bletilla striata) and irises alongside white azaleas.

Bletilla & Pacific iris with azalea

I walked through the sunken terrace of the Mediterranean garden, past the splashing fountain and under the arch decked in Lady Banks roses (R. banksiae). Mediterranean Fountain

The path took me past a big ornamental grass collection, the Mediterranean fan palm, Mediterranean fan palm

and a curving path alongside a fragrant rosemary hedge buzzing with bees. Rosmary Hedge

In fact, as a honey bee photographer, I was delighted to see that bees were everywhere at Seaside gardens, on the ‘Marshwood’ Spanish lavender…..Honey bee on Lavender

and all over the pink rock roses (Cistus cv.) too. Honey bee on rock rose

Hours of bliss later, I suddenly realized I was hungry and it was time to drive back to Santa Barbara for a late lunch.  But I wanted to find a gift for my dinner host for that evening.

Would it be a plant from one of the geographically-arranged areas in the nursery? Australian-section

An extravagant creation from Seaside’s own talented designers?  Garden decorThat would have been nice but a little more than I needed.

In the end, I selected four $3 pots of succulents and a pretty aquamarine ceramic dish and assembled my own creation at a handy potting table, using Seaside’s free container Succulentssoil mix. What a great, generous idea, from a great, generous nursery!  And what a wonderful visit I’d had, learning all about the myriad plants that flourish in California’s benign climate.

Virtually Pest-Free!

Who doesn’t love beautiful de Caen poppy anemones (A. coronaria ‘de Caen Group’)?  I never bother to grow these little, tuberous, Mediterranean jewels because they love cool temperatures and they’re not hardy, so they’re really better suited to regions with long cool springs, like the Pacific Northwest and California.  But I cannot resist photographing them:  those jet-black eyelash stamens; those seductive central disks; those silken petals in rich purple, violet and brilliant scarlet.  So when I saw this lovely specimen on the shelf at Seaside Gardens in Carpinteria, I couldn’t resist.  It was just perfect, right? de Caen anemone

Well, it turns out you can’t always see the stowaways when you’re photographing the sleek red convertible. Hitch-hiking aphids

I imagine they must have been saying (warning: ‘aphipomorphism’ coming): “Smile. She won’t even notice us until she magnifies us on that screen of hers.”

Ah, that’s true. I didn’t notice you at all.  Yet sweet as you are, I have many ways of getting rid of aphids – and they’re all perfectly organic.  Sayonara, baby!No more aphids

Dazzling When Dried

I hate silk flowers. Or polyester.  Or plastic. Or any kind of flower that didn’t once have chlorophyll coursing through its leaves.

But I like dried flowers – especially the blossoms that were once part of fresh arrangements on my table, and then settled in for a long period of mummification, kind of like the pharaohs.  Yet they still look handsome in their own romantic way and, unlike artificial flowers, I’m very happy to have them on the dining room buffet.

Take this arrangement I put together for a dinner party on October 6th of last year.  Before it had withered too much, I took the entire thing, tied a string around it and hung it upside down in the dark furnace room. Bouquet-October 6th

Checking on it a few weeks later, the celosia was well-dried but fragile and easily shattered; the hypericum berries had turned black; and the blue sea holly (Eryngium) was dry but looked very much as it had when fresh.  I carefully added some roses I’d dried the same way and popped the whole thing into a different vase. Bouquet-April 24th

The dried flowers gave me joy over the long winter months and still look beautiful, in their own way, today. And best of all, they weren’t polyester.

Those Lowdown Springtime Blues

I’ve got those lowdown, dirty spring blues

In fact, I’ve got lowdown, dirty spring shoes!

But let’s get back to those azure spring hues

It’s my spring plant puzzle, and here are some clues:

1) Its common name is glory-of-the-snow

But its Latin name changed, as you might knowSpring-blues-1

2) If Jack and Jill climbed a Russian hill

They might pick a bouquet of this tiny squill Spring-blues-2

3) At first glance, this one honours a Russian poet – but he

Isn’t the right guy since his name is missing the “c”Spring-blues-3

I’m sure you know all these springtime blues

But which is which, and which would you choose?