Signs of Spring

The forecast was for freezing rain with snowfall on its heels

After five long months of winter, I can’t describe how cruel that feels

So I packed my camera and coffee mug and headed out the door

To wrest that ball from winter’s court and even up the score

In my search for green and growing things, I didn’t look too hard

Before finding lots of ‘tommy’ crocuses in my own front yard

The small, violet flowers of Crocus tomassinianus 'Ruby Giant' in my own garden, affectionately nicknamed "tommies" by bulb fans.

The small, violet flowers of Crocus tomassinianus ‘Ruby Giant’ in my own garden, affectionately nicknamed “tommies” by bulb fans.

But I’d set my sights on another spot and started up my car

The Toronto Botanical Garden, you see, isn’t really very far

And though the place was showing signs of a winter long and cruel

Iris ‘Katherine Hodgkin’ was looking sweet and icy-cool

The delightful striped flowers of Iris histrioides 'Katherine Hodgkin' are an unusual color.

The delightful striped flowers of Iris ‘Katherine Hodgkin’ are an unusual color.

And that sunny Danford iris seemed too mellow-yellow for words

Yellow danford irises emerge and flower before the foliage appears.

Yellow danford irises emerge and flower before the foliage appears.

But ‘Donald Wyman‘ held all its fruit – what happened to hungry birds?

Leftover fruit on the 'Donald Wyman' crabapple may or may not be eaten by birds.  If not, experts recommend that these "mummified" fruits should be removed and raked out of the garden as they can harbour brown rot fungus spores.

Leftover fruit on the ‘Donald Wyman’ crabapple may or may not be eaten by birds. If not, experts recommend that these “mummified” fruits should be removed and raked out of the garden as they can harbour brown rot fungus spores.

The ‘Primavera’ witch hazel was living up to her special name

Hamamelis 'Primavera' is a dependable, early witch hazel.

Hamamelis ‘Primavera’ is a dependable, early witch hazel.

But the hellebores, a downcast lot, hung their pretty heads in shame

Hellebores tend to open their flowers in the warm sunshine.  This one is unusual in having dramatic, dark-red foliage.

Hellebores tend to open their flowers in the warm sunshine. This one is unusual in having dramatic, dark-red foliage.

All except for Helleborus niger, which looked overjoyed to know

That a “Christmas” rose can look forward to an “Easter” week with snow!

Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) starts flowering in late winter or very early spring, well ahead of the lenten roses (H. orientalis hybrids)..

Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) starts flowering in late winter or very early spring, well ahead of the lenten roses (H. orientalis hybrids)..

But then I found a gorgeous one with a pretty, upturned face

Yes, the aptly-named ‘Cinnamon Snow’ was spicing up the place

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Cinnamon Snow is a popular hybrid hellebore bred in Germany by Josef Heuger.

Cinnamon Snow is a popular hybrid hellebore bred in Germany by Josef Heuger.

The honey bees stayed in their hives, but the hover flies were flying

And nectaring on the winter heath (though the wind made that feat trying)

Winter heath (Erica carnea) offers food for early foragers, including hover flies, bumble bees and honey bees.

Winter heath (Erica carnea) offers food for early foragers, including hover flies, bumble bees and honey bees.

The crocuses were a safer bet and a white one offered pollen

(Who knows where her next meal might be once the April snow has fallen?)

Crocus stigmas offer a rich source of springtime pollen for many bees and flies.

Crocus stamens offer a rich source of springtime pollen for many bees and flies.

And pink chionodoxa – or what the taxonomists have now decreed

Should be considered part of Scilla – fulfilled this one’s dining need

Pink glory-of-the-snow attracts a hover fly.

Pink glory-of-the-snow attracts a hover fly.

The wind picked up old autumn leaves and blew them from the beds

Uncovering the winter aconites with their sweet, fringed flower-heads

Winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) are among the earliest spring bulbs to flower, but tend to close in the afternoon or on colder days.  When open, they are very attractive to bees.

Winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) are among the earliest spring bulbs to flower, but tend to close in the afternoon or on colder days. When open, they are very attractive to bees.

Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ seemed to be a few weeks late

The explosion of colour will come, no doubt , but for now I have to wait

Narcissus 'Rijnfeld's Early Sensation' is later than usual this spring.

Narcissus ‘Rijnfeld’s Early Sensation’ is later than usual this spring.

The showers started and I packed things up and headed to my car

Past a drift of Crocus ‘Gipsy Girl’ – a dark-striped springtime star

'Gipsy Girl' is a very good multiplier, spreading in low clumps.

‘Gipsy Girl’ is a very good multiplier, spreading in low clumps.

By the time I arrived at home the wind was blowing up a gale

The temperature was falling fast and the rain fell hard as hail

But the earth was growing green again and it made my spirit sing

That this dark and stormy April day had yielded signs of spring

Reinventing a Meadow at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

When I visited the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in late March (on a special tour with my Facebook friend Frédérique Lavoipierre), the main event for visitors was the iconic meadow that greets them as they enter the gates.  ‘Spectacle’ is an understatement, for this flowery expanse stretches back towards a shrubby border in the near-distance, live oaks in the mid-distance and the rimmed Santa Ynez mountains on the far horizon.  It’s an impressionist masterpiece painted in sunshiny California spring hues.

The meadow at the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden in March 2014, halfway through its renovation.

The meadow at the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden in March 2014, halfway through its renovation.

So perfect is the composition, the vertical brushstrokes of blue succulent lupines (Lupinus succulentus), yellow tidytips (Layia platyglossa) and orange California poppies (Eschscholzia californica) rising from the brilliant background wash of goldfields (Lasthenia californica), that it surprised me a little to learn that the meadow is actually just halfway through a major renovation.  Or perhaps that should be a return to its historic roots.  

A classic blue-and-yellow spring combination of succulent or Arroyo lupines (Lupinus succulentus) in a darpet of goldfields (Lasthenia californica).

A classic blue-and-yellow spring combination of succulent or Arroyo lupines (Lupinus succulentus) in a carpet of goldfields (Lasthenia californica).

Meadows are relatively easy to make and impossibly difficult to maintain.  Ecologically (that is, with no human interference and excluding stable alpine meadows), a meadow is usually just a pretty way-station on the evolutionary path to climax, meaning every native shrub and tree is itching to shoulder aside all those charming annuals and perennials and transform the sunny painting into shady woodland.  Then there is the more immediate problem of exotic invasives, weeds that fling themselves into the sunny space and soon outcompete the natives, ruining the show and causing a headache for public gardens hoping (or mandated) to treat pests and weeds organically. Drought is an issue, especially in a place like Santa Barbara, where an official multi-year drought makes irrigation of the meadow necessary. Finally, a meadow in a public garden can suffer over time from the conflicting objectives of the people who oversee it.  

Tidy tips (Layia platyglossa), an annual flower native to Western N. America.

Tidy tips (Layia platyglossa), an annual flower native to Western N. America.

Historically, the meadow began in 1929 as Bermuda grass – “a grassy space across which one looked at the mountains – an interval of green silence amid chords of color.”  In the 1940s it alternated between beach strawberries (Fragaria chiloense) and annual wildflowers; it spent the 80s as a mix of grasses and wildflowers; then in the past decade, took a strange left turn into patches of mown lawn that undermined the integrity of its early design.

Unlike most native bees, honey bees are flower-faithful, meaning they seek nectar and pollen from one flower species at a time. The millions of tiny blossoms of goldfields (Lasthenia californica) in the meadow offer a rich food source for them and the native pollinators.

Unlike most native bees, honey bees are flower-faithful, meaning they seek nectar and pollen from one flower species at a time. The millions of tiny blossoms of goldfields (Lasthenia californica) in the meadow offer a rich food source for them and the native pollinators.

Recognizing all that, SBBG developed a new plan for the meadow, an approach designed to provide a “homogenous mix of species that provides seasonal color, year-round interest, educational opportunities, and reduced maintenance.”  However, wrote Betsy Collins, Director of Horticulture, in the garden’s Summer 2013 newsletter, “it is important to try a new approach if we hope to avoid the weedy outcome that has resulted from so many previous efforts.”

A California bluebell (Phacelia campanularia) in the meadow gets a visit from a nectaring honey bee.

A California bluebell (Phacelia campanularia) in the meadow gets a visit from a nectaring honey bee.

She went on: “Drawing on the expertise of our Executive Director, Dr. Steve Windhager, a grassland ecologist, and Conservation Manager, Denise Knapp, a restoration ecologist, we intend to develop a comprehensive weed abatement plan that uses the principles of habitat restoration.”  Weed-abatement methods to eradicate bindweed, Bermuda grass, oxalis, etc. include solarization (plastic sheeting to heat and kill weeds, seeds and pests) and grow-till-kill cycles where weeds are encouraged, then tilled, the process repeated until the weeds are gone.

Appropriately, a hummingbird nectars on hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) in the border at the back of the meadow.

Appropriately, a hummingbird nectars on hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) in the border at the back of the meadow.







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What I saw in March at SBBG was the brief glory of the spring wildflower show – a brilliant extravaganza pleasing visitors and pollinators alike – before the designers get back to work on their mission.  The new meadow will feature lots of new plants, says Collins: “We anticipate growing upwards of 70,000 grass and perennial plugs for planting in the fall of 2014. Any remaining weeds that appear will be removed by hand while the plugs are established. A blanket of annual wildflowers will be seeded in early winter for a spectacular show in the spring of 2015!”

During my visit to SBBG, the sun shone so brightly most of the day that the plants were difficult to capture in a good photo.  But I made lots of images anyway, and found they lend themselves to the art filters that can transform so-so pictures into colourful impressionism.

California poppies, given the impressionist watercolour treatment.

California poppies, given the impressionist watercolour treatment.


A technologically-assisted 'impressionist' version of the meadow. Fun with art filters!

A technologically-assisted ‘impressionist’ version of the meadow. Fun with art filters!

Special thanks to SBBG Education Program Manager Frédérique Lavoipierre for giving me the grand tour.

Santa Barbara Botanical Garden is open daily. Check their website for information.

Sleeping Crocuses

I ran out the door, glancing briefly at the little crocuses peeking out from under the mess of stems left over from last summer’s garden. Their silken purple tepals were open to the April sun like tiny fairy chalices, the miracle of spring spangled across the wet, brown leaf litter.  “Pick a few,” I said to myself, but I was late for an appointment.

Why does the warm weather always arrive before I’ve raked? Why don’t I cut the garden down in autumn?  Why bother asking those questions when it’s the same old thing, year after year. Such ingredients help in effective communication through the nervous system free viagra in canada from reacting appropriately to sexual provocation. cialis 5mg uk GinsengIt is a very highly respected herb in Chinese medicine. According to Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, an associate professor of pharmacology at Georgetown University “Before trying an herb or supplement?” Not every man needs the magic touch of sildenafil online india ; occasionally all one needs is a healthy diet, exercise along with a little of Mother Nature’s touch. The alcohol content increases in the viagra from canada pharmacy blood and it decreases the stress on the right ventricle of the heart and improves functioning of your reproductive system.  When I returned home, the clouds had emerged and the crocuses had closed against the dropping temperature and impending rain.  But shy crocuses in little vases today are better than mud-splattered crocuses in the garden tomorrow.  So spring came indoors for the night.

'Purple Remembrance' and 'Pickwick' Dutch crocuses in bud vases.

‘Purple Remembrance’ and ‘Pickwick’ Dutch crocuses in bud vases.



House & Cacti

Good day.  My name is Madame Ganna Walska and I am pleased to welcome you here to Lotusland.  I hope you found your way without trouble – these Montecito hills can be confusing to visitors.  And I know you are a great lover of plants, so I trust you will find much to delight your eyes.   Ganna Walska

Ah, you wish to know about me?  Well, I was born in Poland in 1887 – my name then was Hanna Puacz, I hadn’t yet taken my stage name, which means “waltz” in Russian.  And I’ve had..…well let’s just say I’ve had a rather colourful life.  I eloped with a Russian count when I was a teenager, and I was just nineteen when the Czar himself selected me to have my portrait painted as the most beautiful woman at the royal ball.The Czar's Painting


















But I grew tired of the Count and moved to France.  It was a wonderful time to be in Paris, la Belle Époque. But then war broke out, and in 1915 I moved to New York and became a singer. I made my concert debut three years later – Enrico Caruso was on the same bill!   My second husband, a doctor whom I met when he treated my sore throat, died just four years after our marriage. I was overcome with grief.  But then on a ship to Paris I met my third husband.  Sadly, it wasn’t a happy marriage and in 1922 I divorced him.  I married my fourth husband in Paris. He was a very wealthy industrialist; some say the inspiration for the film ‘Citizen Kane’. And very generous – he bought me the Theâtre des Champs Elyseés in order to pursue my opera career.  I made three concert tours to America over the next six years, but the reviews for my singing were not always favourable. I preferred to live in Paris and my husband, who lived in Chicago, sued me for divorce, claiming desertion.  But I found comfort in my spiritual studies, in mysticism and astrology and Indian philosophy.   Buddha

















In 1937 I married again, but it wasn’t a happy marriage; he was egotistical and jealous. When the war broke out, I was able to escape France on the last ship before the Germans occupied Paris. Before leaving, I managed to bury the little grotesques, those statues you see in the Theatre Garden, in my French estate. Peptides are manufactured around the world by spego to the viagra sales francet companies who sell their products to researchers and scientists to help them conduct their research daily. Kamagra Soft Tabs are an alternative way to take the medicine keeping the mind of its starting time. viagra 100 mg Keeping distances from stressfulness- Stress is the main cause for deepening the relationship. viagra 25mg online Safed Musli plays a vital role brand viagra no prescription too in improving stamina and strength.  That saved them. Theatre Garden

It was my yoga master Theos Bernard – they called him the White Lama – who encouraged me in 1941 to buy this estate. It was called La Cueste then, and there was already a beautiful garden on its 37 acres.  I renamed it Tibetland in honour of the monks we hoped to bring here on retreat.  Alas, they never came.  We married in Las Vegas, Theos and I, but I made him sign a prenuptial agreement to protect my wealth.  When we divorced in 1946, I changed the name to Lotusland after the beautiful sacred Indian lotus. 

It gave me such pleasure to indulge my gardening passion in these lush California hills.  I had good help, of course, and able assistance from landscape architects and designers, including Lockwood de Forest, Jr., Ralph T. Stevens, William Paylen, Oswald Da Ros, and Charles Glass.  They helped me assemble my plant collections. My bromeliads are world-renowned. Bromeliads

And I sold off my jewelry in the 1970s to finance the purchase of my rare cycads.Cycads

Throughout my life, I have been an enemy of the average. In fact, it’s been my motto.  And though I loved beautiful things, I also gave my time and money to good causes.Performer & Spokeswoman

Now I must leave you. Be sure to see the rest of the estate. You’ll love the blue garden.  Martha Stewart had her picture taken there not long ago.The Blue Garden

And you mustn’t forget the horticultural clock garden.Clock Garden

And the clamshell fountain and crescent pool in the aloe garden. Those are abalone shells lining the pool.The Crescent Pool

 My cacti are wonderful of course; they come from all over the world.


Before you leave, take a moment to sit on the terrace and enjoy the view.

The terrace at Lotusland.

The terrace at Lotusland.

And stop by the gift shop, if you’re feeling generous. The foundation needs all the profits it can make. Gift Shop

I’m sorry the lotuses aren’t in bloom; it’s too early in the season. I always loved the pink ones.  Au revoir. Enchanté. 

(A conversation imagined with Ganna Walska, based on Lotusland’s history.  Reservations must be made to visit Lotusland.  Visit their website for more information.)


An Ode to Snowdrops

 There’s an exponential relationship – I know this to be true

Between the length of winter and the desperate way I view

Those first emerging nodding bells of shimmering, pure white

Oh, common little snowdrop, you are such a welcome sight

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A nosegay of snowdrops in an antique shot glass.  Placed in a little vase like this, you can sniff their sweet perfume.

A nosegay of snowdrops in an antique shot glass. Placed in a little vase like this, you can sniff their sweet perfume.